Sketchy at Best Labor Report Shows 223,000 Jobs Gained in December, Year-Over-Year Wage Rate Growth 4.6% – IOTW Report

Sketchy at Best Labor Report Shows 223,000 Jobs Gained in December, Year-Over-Year Wage Rate Growth 4.6%

CTH: The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) released the December jobs report today [DATA HERE] showing 223,000 jobs gained in December ’22.

Most of the job growth was in the “leisure and hospitality” sector (+67,000), healthcare (+55,000), construction (+28,000) and social assistance (+20,000).  Additionally, average hourly earnings rose by 0.3%, with a year-over-year measure of wage growth at 4.6%.

At this point in the history of our economic pretending game, we are well aware the employment numbers are heavily manipulated in order to support the government policymaking that is destroying the same workforce they claim to represent.   It’s all a ruse, just look around your community and you will see what I am talking about. more

9 Comments on Sketchy at Best Labor Report Shows 223,000 Jobs Gained in December, Year-Over-Year Wage Rate Growth 4.6%

  1. “…Additionally, average hourly earnings rose by 0.3%…”

    …I’m hourly, and I got a REAL nice raise last year. We ALL did. They HAD to because everyone ELSE is offering serious coin at this point as well.

    Pretty much every employer has to do the same thing.

    There’s your wage bump.

    …doesn’t really matter when it at best only OFFSETS the higher food, water, electricity, medical, etc. bills that the Democrat inflation is popping wallets everywhere. The only NICE thing is that my mortgage isn’t variable rate so on the CURRENT inflationay trend they will have to accept my wheelbarrow full of worthless money to pay it in full in a year or two whether they want to or not, even though what bought a HOUSE last year probably won’t buy a dog run NEXT year…

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