Victoria’s Secret CEO announces her resignation, critics blame woke changes – IOTW Report

Victoria’s Secret CEO announces her resignation, critics blame woke changes


Corporate adherence to the woke agenda appeared to scalp another scapegoat when the Brand CEO of Victoria’s Secret announced her resignation, only worsening the near-term outlooks.

After only a little more than half a year in the role, the resignation of Amy Hauk was officially announced by the lingerie retailer on Tuesday through their most recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing. According to the disclosure, Hauk had announced the decision on December 27, 2022, with an effective date of March 31, 2023.

“Amy Hauk will be stepping down as CEO of Victoria’s Secret and PINK in order to spend more time with her family in Florida,” a spokesperson for the company said in a statement. An email to CBS MoneyWatch continued, “Amy has graciously agreed to a managed transition between now and the end of March. There are no plans to replace her.”

Instead, the filing detailed that CEO Martin Waters will continue his normal duties and “also assume the responsibilities of Brand CEO.”

Hauk had stepped into the role in July amid already turbulent times for Victoria’s Secret which had become independent from parent company L Brands a year earlier. The Brand CEO’s appointment occurred as 160 employees at corporate headquarters in Ohio were laid off, all management-level, as they distanced themselves from their well-established identity to embrace a broader market that included gender-neutral options. MORE

19 Comments on Victoria’s Secret CEO announces her resignation, critics blame woke changes

  1. This idiot doesn’t understand that advertising of women’s clothing is intended to show how attractive the woman can be if they just buy these clothes.
    When the VS models are outright unattractive, that makes people shun that clothing. They don’t want to pay for that. At that point, virtue is not the priority.

  2. Even fat, unattractive women and faggots want to wear sexy lingerie you idiots. Big mistake. Huge mistake. Now may you go the way of Bed, Bath and Beyond Hope.

  3. Amy was executive vice president at Bath & Body Works and before that she held a variety of merchandising leadership roles at Disney Store, The Children’s Place and Gap, Inc…. Soooo she goes from one woke mistake to another!

    When will they ever learn?
    https ://www. /watch?v=bI3QVsW30j0
    Where have all the flowers gone… nuthin grows where Amy goes!

  4. Nothing like a walrus or a hippopotamus or a water buffalo in a negligee.

    Seriously. There’s NOTHING like it.

    For which we should give thanks to the Lord.

    All seriousness aside, I couldn’t much GAF what Victoria’s Secret does or doesn’t do

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Their stuff has always been poorly made.
    There’s a store in the mall near me. It looks like a whorehouse for fat chicks.
    That woman ran the brand down the toilet.
    They should go back to playing classical music and stop with the brand name across the azz of size 20 sweatpants.

  6. It seems to me that chicks spend a lot of time on clothes while young guys are mostly visualizing them without them.

    Nothing that covers the female body is more desirable than the female body itself.

    In my opinion.

    …after all, while pretty wrapping paper may increase anticipation and speculation about a nicely wrapped present, come Christmas Morn a guy’s going to rip it off as fast as he can to get to his REAL heart’s desire that the ribbons and bows so coyly cover.

    Just sayin’…

  7. There’s no way that giant, fat woman can clean her own ass without a long-handled toilet brush and a barrel of soapy water. OK, maybe if she bent over and ran herself through an automated carwash while naked.

  8. Here’s the thing they didn’t get. Women of all sizes buy something that makes other women look beautiful, even if the woman is obese some weird brain wave tells her she’d look good in that. Same with men, if they’re going to go buy something sexy for their woman to wear, it’s because it looked good on the model and his brain is telling him it will make his woman look good.

  9. “That woman ran the brand down the toilet” -Down Mainer

    But she held on to it during flushing and then brought it back up.


    (I’ve been known to rinse things that way in a clean toilet. Sorry.)

  10. Who knows how much money I spent in that store at the mall just to rip that cheap stuff off the girl & then throw it away the next morning. The clothes not the girl. Haven’t been in a mall in 30yrs

  11. Competing sins, gluttony and perversity vs greed. Greed always wins because wealth is the foundation of power. Woke is just another word for Satanic.

    Gluttony and perversions are side effects of greed, the Satanists that control our society are trying so hard to sell their sick twisted and perverted vision to the masses but the masses are not buying.

    So unlike Hollyweird where they force it down our throats no matter how much money is lost most corporations still must turn a profit.

    A corporation that sells sexual fantasy tried the woke and weird bullshit and choked on it. Just like BB&B.

    The Luciferian narrative must continue to prevail and the grooming will continue until pedophlia becomes legal in 10 years.

    However we can still rejoice each time a demon fails to satisfy mammon and is punished accordingly…

  12. as they distanced themselves from their well-established identity to embrace a broader market that included gender-neutral options.

    And there lies your mistake. Victoria Secret embraced lesbians such as purple haired soccer player Megan Anna Rapinoe. Unattractive, no woman wants to be like her or look like her. Happy to see them going broke.


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