Report: Document Shows Hunter Owned Joe Biden’s Delaware House in 2018 – IOTW Report

Report: Document Shows Hunter Owned Joe Biden’s Delaware House in 2018

Breitbart: Hunter Biden owned President Joe Biden’s Delaware house in 2018, where the elder Biden has now been discovered to have stashed classified documents, according to a document unearthed by New York Post’s Miranda Devine on Thursday.

On a document titled, “background screening request,” it appears Hunter checked a box to indicate he owned Joe Biden’s home located in Wilmington, Delaware. The document is signed July, 2018.

In 2017, Joe Biden left the White House and apparently stored classified documents inside his garage, along with two other locations. The first batch of documents found are alleged to contain information pertaining to Ukraine and Iran, according to CNN.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a special counsel to investigate the mishandling of classified information.

The Biden family business has conducted many deals in Ukraine. In 2017, Hunter was paid $83,000 per month to be on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014 with no prior experience with the energy sector or Ukraine. MORE

17 Comments on Report: Document Shows Hunter Owned Joe Biden’s Delaware House in 2018

  1. They only have two drag this out for another week before forcing Joe to resign making the Cackle Queen President. Then she can run for her own two terms in 2024 and 2028.

  2. Two, lol. You’re ass fucked up as I am. Harris is a distraction. Gavin Newsom is Heir Apparent. Let’s see how they get him there. Should be interesting. But no doubt. Bidens expiration date is up.

  3. Wait.
    Hunter Had Top Secret Documents?
    Its HIS HOUSE.
    And He’s a Broke Artist?
    And he was the Bag Man & liaison for the FUCKING UKRAINE. (Money Pit of the World)

    LIKE I SAID 2 days ago: its their documentation of their Business dealings.

    At least Killary & Slick tried to hide their dealings somewhat.

  4. Has Joe gotten so bad they can’t drug him up enough to play his part any more?
    If they do get rid of him I think they just may put Hakeem Jeffries in as VP.
    He’s the one lefties have been talking up. The politicians on the left have been gushing over his cringy, lie filled abc speech. Like they did with Barry O’s DNC speech in ’04.
    Then he’ll run for POTUS or be Hitlery’s VP pick.

    Either that or the classified docs won’t turn out to really be classified docs and it gets swept under the rug.

  5. Jim Jordan can’t de-fund your mudder.
    Bills in Congress have to pass in 2 (THATS RIGHT) places. The House & the Senate. If they don’t pass in both places the Bill fails.
    God I just hate taken little boys fantasies away.

  6. Joe Biden documents will just go away. 1 he totally cooperating, 2 he is a sitting President. Trump on the other hand is not cooperating refused to hand over documents that are classified, took it all the way to the Supreme Court & us still refusing to cooperate & still claiming those classified documents are his, there are not. He will be indicted for obstruction of justice.

  7. Merrill/Milton: Get educated then come back. Biden was not a “sitting president” when he committed the theft. Donald Trump was cooperating with the FBI and archives before the raid on Mara Lago. He went to the Supremes to have them adjudicate his right to declassify the records (as the law provides).

  8. John Roberts^^^ true, but that’s not the game. Joe will be pressured to resign (or undergo even more investigations into China, Ukraine, Hunter, etc.), Kamala will take office, and, as per the agreement, give a full pardon to Joe (and maybe the whole Biden syndicate), then someone like Gavin Newsome gets appointed VP to thunderous applause by Congress. Kamala (the first female president!) decides not to run in 24. Gavin (or whoever) is cheated into office.

  9. All part of the “plan”. This is 3D Chess not checkers, as I, and many others, have posted before. Nothing but a multi-layer distraction and the ‘distractors’ are laughing at (most of) us.

  10. Brad. Yeah, maybe Newsome is the chosen one. However, whoever the Dems move into the House on Pennsylvania Avenue, that person is not running things anyway. Kamala could be in there for almost ten years while they do anything they want and they have the added benefit of her being black and female and it would be a hate crime not to vote for her.

    Besides, how can they dump Biden then almost immediately dump Harris? What are they going to do, say “Sorry we installed those two losers but trust us — this guy is a good guy?”


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