California Teen Claims She Was Exposed To Male Genitalia At Local “Inclusivity And Acceptance”YMCA – IOTW Report

California Teen Claims She Was Exposed To Male Genitalia At Local “Inclusivity And Acceptance”YMCA

Station Gossip: A female California teenager in San Diego County told local city officials Wednesday she was exposed to male genitalia inside a YMCA women’s locker room after finishing a workout.

Rebecca Phillips, 17, said during the public comments section at the January 11 Santee City Council meeting that the exposure happened two weeks ago after she completed swimming laps and cleaning up in the Cameron Family YMCA women’s locker room.

“As I was showering after my workout, I saw a naked male in the women’s locker room,” Phillips said. “I immediately went back into the shower terrified and hid behind their flimsy excuse for a curtain until he was gone.”

Phillips said she asked YMCA management about the facility’s transgender policy, and she said the family recreation center confirmed to her that staff allowed the man “to shower wherever he pleased.” MORE

15 Comments on California Teen Claims She Was Exposed To Male Genitalia At Local “Inclusivity And Acceptance”YMCA

  1. You can now be a naturally-born guy and change literally nothing about your clothes or body or appearance, and be able to still have a hairy chest and a penis and wear men’s clothes and sport a beard and now be a woman.

  2. If I am a man that claims to be a woman but I only sleep with women, does that make me a lesbian? Am I now a “protected minority”?

    If you say anything other than no, doesn’t that make you a bigot by today’s standards?

  3. “The fact that we are now tailoring our privacy policies and bathroom laws around transgender — ignoring the blatant threat to safety that this poses is obscene,” Phillips said. “The safety of children — girls — is on the chopping block.”

    It’s a feature of the policy, not a flaw. And this is San Diego, arguably one of the last bastions of some sanity in SoCal.

  4. Planet Fatness has adopted the same policy. Their clientele is void of “normal” people. It’s a bowl full of Granola. Fruits, Flakes, and Nuts. The nuts are always exposed.
    Moral of the story, join a real gym.


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