U.S. Drops $4.5 Mil to Help Asians Quit Smoking – IOTW Report

U.S. Drops $4.5 Mil to Help Asians Quit Smoking

Judicial Watch: The U.S. government is dedicating $4.5 million to enhance a “linguistically and culturally appropriate” program to help Asians quit smoking. It is known as the national Asian language quitline and provides cessation counseling, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), and in-language materials for tobacco users who speak Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese (CKV). The cash will flow through a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offshoot called Office on Smoking and Health. With an annual budget of nearly $10 billion, the CDC is the federal agency responsible for protecting public health. It operates under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and claims to work around the clock to protect America from health, safety, and security threats whether diseases start at home or abroad.

In its grant announcement the agency writes that telephone-based quitlines increase quit rates among individuals who use commercial tobacco and are trying to stop. They are also effective in reaching and supporting diverse and low-income populations, according to the CDC. “Limited capacity to provide linguistically and culturally appropriate quitline services may create barriers that contribute to tobacco-related disparities, especially among various subgroups of Asians that speak Chinese (including Cantonese and Mandarin), Korean, and Vietnamese languages (CKV),” the agency writes in the recently published Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), adding that less than half of Asians of CKV descent in the United States report speaking English “very well.” more

10 Comments on U.S. Drops $4.5 Mil to Help Asians Quit Smoking

  1. I knew a guy that survived the Bataan Death March. Survived 3 1/2 years in the camps. Six foot tall and weighed 95 pounds when rescued. Although that did cause health issues, the thing that never went away were the nightmares, 2 wives left him because he would wake up kicking and screaming.
    Then in 1988, the government awarded the Japanese that were held here $20,000 each.
    I am a little surprised he didn’t restart the war with the Japanese.

  2. Good luck with that. I can’t remember the last Asian I met that was a non-smoker. Oh wait! The desired intent is to burn money, so this program is bound to be considered a success.

  3. In a lot of eastern countries you smoke to keep the mosqitoes away because the malaria, dengue, yellow fever, etc., will kill you WAY faster than cancer will.

    And in others you smoke very publicly because cannibals say smoking makes your meat taste bad.

    So depending on the plauge and lack of civilization level of the country you are visiting, smoking may well PROLONG your life.

  4. Jesus H. Christ—
    Don’t we have enough problems of our own??

    Politicians that want to throw money at projects that are NOT beneficial to Americans should provide the first $10,000 of their own money.

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