Is That A Monster? – IOTW Report

Is That A Monster?

Ok, that would definitely freak me out. I watched too many X Files!

20 Comments on Is That A Monster?

  1. I’ve experienced something kind of like that.

    I was elk hunting between Monarch and Neihart on the east side of HWY 89 above Belt Creek in a full on blizzard and came back to where the truck was parked and saw a big elk track in my track from about two hours earlier. Well, if I follow that track far enough… sooner or later one of the tracks is going to have an elk hoof still in it. So I went up the side of a mountain and when I got on top of the ridge the wind was blowing the trees so violently that the roots were lifting the ground seven or eight inches up and down. I don’t think the elk cared too much because he kept moving ahead of me on the ridge then went down into a valley and then back up on another ridge when I broke off the chase.

    I headed west and came out to the highway just south of the ranger station. I’m damn lucky, because I had to ford the waist high creek to get to the highway where I was at and was damn near froze to to death by the time I got in front of the fireplace.

  2. Saw it too, U.P. of Michigan at a deer camp. Wooded area on a ridge but on granite. Not a lot of roots go deep, just out. That happened about 3 or 4 years ago and they are still there growing.
    Proves to just never give up the struggle.

  3. I’ve never seen ground do that before, but the title for the post reminds me of what is now an old favorite -

  4. That was me today because I foolishly ate at Sonic last night. I knew better but I did it anyway.
    Side note: When I ordered the two cheeseburgers, I asked for heavy pickles. I like pickles. When I got home, I looked at the receipt for some reason. Those bastards charged me $1.30 for the extra pickles. What the hell is up with that? I’ve been to a county fair and two goat ropings, but that’s a first for me.


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