How prostitution blooms during World Economic Forum in Davos – IOTW Report

How prostitution blooms during World Economic Forum in Davos

Apparently, it’s not just us getting screwed by Davos. 🙄

First Post: Sex work flourishes in the ski resort town of Davos as some of the most influential world leaders gather for the annual World Economic Forum meeting. As per reports, a manager of a sex worker agency in Aargau said that service requests can vary from escorting people to dinner to sexual work.

It is that time of the year when the demand for the world’s oldest profession sees a spike in the Swiss Alpine town of Davos.

The gathering of world elites in the ski resort town for the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) has triggered a rise in prostitution there, as per reports.

Let’s take a look at how the demand for sex workers has increased during the WEF annual meeting. MORE
h/t SNS.

23 Comments on How prostitution blooms during World Economic Forum in Davos

  1. Why don’t the elite meet in Mogadishu or a similar place? Or rather, why don’t they have Zoom meetings if they are going to tell us we should stay home in our mud huts instead of driving to the beach?

    And why do they need hookers? Isn’t f**king us good enough?

  2. ^^^^^ Everyone should find John Kerry’s spiel and listen to that horse shit. “I’m special, we’re special” yada yada yada. This is dangerous shit and needs to be stopped. They’ll be making a full on push for our guns soon.

  3. Kcir

    They probably stick an air hose up their asses. Their things would blow around like little party favors. Can you imagine Bill Gates trying to have sex? I think I just made myself sick.

  4. ““You have to choose between a ‘drug’: sex or political power. The latter is stronger, it doesn’t leave room for other interests and eats up people completely.” Indy100 quoted Balthus as saying.”

    …possibly true that these hookers aren’t there for the politicians themselves, but not for the stated reason.

    …THESE women are consenting ADULTS, you see.

    And politicians prefer to rape children.

  5. Yes, Horseface Kerry is special, a special kind of stupid. The arrogant kind and probably has a special place in hell reserved for him where all his fantasies about global warming are real.

  6. They’re not skiing in their spare time in a ski resort town?

    Maybe there’s a shortage of “ski equipment,” you know those long hard pointy things they like to ride ski on.

    Can you direct me to Paul Pelosi’s room please?

  7. “I bet they’re all sad that Epstein can’t provide the little girls.”

    You can bet that the Swiss Gov’t is supplying toddlers of both sexes to that horde of perverts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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