Biden Snaps And Tells Reporter the American People Don’t Want to Talk About the Top-Secret Documents – IOTW Report

Biden Snaps And Tells Reporter the American People Don’t Want to Talk About the Top-Secret Documents

17 Comments on Biden Snaps And Tells Reporter the American People Don’t Want to Talk About the Top-Secret Documents

  1. Pedo Joe doesn’t know what the American People want.

    He only knows what child-sniffing fraudulent lying scumbag neurosyphilis eaten perverted geriatric grifters illegitimately installed in a office they have no legal or moral right to want.

  2. Au contraire, Joey.
    You do not speak for any of us and we WANT to hear, not only of your secret document stashes, but of all the corruption collected on your piece of shit son’s laptop as well.
    Can you hear us NOW, Joey?

    You asswipes wouldn’t let Trump get away with this. Never.

  3. Whut the fuk would this flaming jackass possibly know about what the American People really want???
    Did we want our energy sources fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our military fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our Police forces fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our foreign policies fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our Big cities fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our Southern border fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our immigration processes fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our Southern border fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our manufacturing supply lines fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our economy all fouled up beyond recognition with crippling inflation? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our Stock Market all fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our employment numbers all fouled up beyond recognition? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our small businesses destroyed? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we want our food distribution system destroyed? ** HELL NO! **
    Did we ask for a baby formula crisis?? ** HELL NO! **
    Nor did we ask for Leftist rat-bastards to do everything in their power to drag our nation down to its lowest level of Suck using Cloward-Piven, Alinsky and Marxist Venezuela-like divisionary tactics while looting the treasury like an inner-city CVS! This stupid, pig-eyed moron who loves to give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, can’t count past three, tells off-color 7-11 dwarf jokes, enjoys playing mumbley-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds and deserves the same general esteem as an Organ Grinder’s monkey that can’t be trusted with a burnt-out match let alone nuclear codes and steps on his dick every time he opens his mouth isn’t in touch with anything other that his own damn GREED!

  4. BFH listen to the words again. biden said,

    The American people do not understand
    why you do not ask me questions about that.

    Your headline mis-characterizes what biden said.

  5. Joe, yes. The American people want to know all about your career ending scandal. Your betrayal and sell out to China is important to us. Let me help you out here: It’s your pals from China and Russia who don’t want anyone talking about it.

  6. ^^^ Still not comparable since Trump had the authority to de-classify whereas Jackass Joe, as VP, DID NOT! Never the less the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media doesn’t push that fact because it would nullify their weak-ass argument!


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