Canada Sets New Alcohol Consumption Guidlines – IOTW Report

Canada Sets New Alcohol Consumption Guidlines


In Canada, the legal drinking age is between 18 and 19, depending on location. But new guidelines from the nation’s Canadian Center on Substance Use and Addiction not only discourage young people from throwing one too many back—the center is now warning everyone away from more than two standard drinks total per week, with a “standard” drink equaling a bottle of beer, a glass of wine, or a shot. It’s a big drop from previous guidelines set out in 2011, which said Canadians could reduce long-term health risks by consuming no more than 10 drinks a week for women, 15 for men, per Global News.

The outlet runs down all of the health risks that come with imbibing, including ties to various kinds of cancer, liver and heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, and pancreatitis. Then there are the car crashes that come out of a night of drinking, as well as the falls and violence, per research by the CCSA, which notes that alcohol is the top preventable cause of death and disability, as well as social issues. “The evidence is clear that every drink counts. It’s also clear that it’s never too late to make changes,” CCSA CEO Alexander Caudarella says in a release. “Any reduction in alcohol use can be beneficial.”


14 Comments on Canada Sets New Alcohol Consumption Guidlines

  1. Some anti-alcohol Zealot in a Canuk bureaucracy finally reached a height in that bureaucracy to make itself a nation-wide nuisance.

    Know-nothing assholes simply want to dictate to others.

    And, as subjects rather than citizens, the Canuks must comply or face the Gulag.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I lived in Halifax in the ‘70s. There was a lively pub scene. You’d usually order three beers at a time from the waiters circulating with large trays of glasses full of beer. Then you’d order a steak and fries from another waiter. Typically, we’d consume 6-9 beers with a meal. Cost was around $1 per glass.

    By law, pubs had to do as much food sales as beer sales. Pubs only sold beer. No wine or liquor. And up to about ‘72, no women either. They had “ladies beverage rooms” where unaccompanied men were forbidden.

  3. Back in the 80’s the american dollar was worth about a buck forty in Canada.
    We would take the bridge over to Sarnia, Ont and have a good meal, hit the bars (it’s rye and coke not whiskey😉) fill our gas tanks and make a stop at the government beer store.
    Their beer had a high alcohol content if you knew what to look for. We used to get a brand called Broudor(?) around 7%. Then we’d pay our 50 cent bridge fare and go home. Customs was always a breeze.
    2023 and it’s a different world. Costs about 10 bucks for the bridge fare. Canadian fuel is expensive as hell as are most consumer prices and customs on both sides are a bunch of jackasses. Haven’t been their for years mostly due to covid protocols and if my mom didn’t live over there wouldn’t have reason to go at all.

  4. Some idiot legislator in Wash. state wants to lower the blood alcohol limit from .08 to point .05 to reduce the number of DUI’s and alcohol related deaths. I don’t drink but I still think that this is a dumb idea because drinking one beer or one glass of wine, a shot of booze etc. would now put you over the .05 limit. And meanwhile smoking pot is legal in Wash. state. MORONS! Everybody must get stoned!

  5. Meanwhile they are pushing the citizens to drink with their totalitarian policies…. the main symbol of 20th century Russia was Vodka as a result! Keep ’em Dumb, Drunk and Restricted!

  6. Different Tim: That was Bras d’Or (Golden Arms) from Quebec. It was about 14% alcohol. Potent stuff. I dimly recall consuming several in Quebec City until my head went numb.

  7. Remember, the same people who recommended you get the COVID shot recommand you only have two drinks per week! Or you’ll die! Serially! You’ll dye! I am not joking off here, you will doyie! Now hand over the coffee, your stove, the car and your furnace and take your shot! It’s safe and effective ya putz!

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