Michigan’s Racist School Board Member Cites First Amendment – IOTW Report

Michigan’s Racist School Board Member Cites First Amendment

Red State

In December, Kesha Hamilton, a member of the Jackson school board [in Michigan], tweeted:

Whiteness is so evil. it manipulates then says, I won’t apologize for my dishonesty and trauma-inducing practices and thinks you should applaud it for being honest about its ability to manipulate and be dishonest.

In another tweet, in response to a user who tweeted about being a black man hiking in the woods, she wrote: “The last thing you have to worry about is an animal – though that could be a very real threat.. more dangerous are any whites you may see on the trail.. be safe!”

During the meeting, parents called Hamilton out for her racist tweets. One asked how all kids can “feel safe when physical characteristics over which they have no control are being called evil and dangerous.”

Another noted that Hamilton was “not addressing the disparities,” but “adding to them by your hurtful remarks.”

Hamilton responded by justifying her comments and playing the victim. “What I understand from being a woman in this American nation, and a Black woman specifically, is that sometimes others would rather I not exercise any of my rights as outlined in the Constitution. I do not apologize for exercising any of my rights,” she said. Continues

11 Comments on Michigan’s Racist School Board Member Cites First Amendment

  1. Lets do the Math

    If you are Asian and shoot people
    You go straight to Jail

    If You are Black and shoot people
    You may or may not get bail and stay in Jail

    If you are a White Hollywood Producer
    You get a Pass

    Maybe there is something wrong here
    Makes ya go Hmmmmmm

  2. Are racist white people entitled to the same Constitutional protections?
    Or do they only apply to racist “people of color?”

    If, for example, a parent stood up and called you out as “a racist, hate-mongering ni99er,” you would defend her right to declare you such?

    Huh. That’ll be the day.

    Seems to be no limit on hypocrisy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Doc Shitter is racist, as his portajohns are only full of BROWN butt dumplings!!! Raaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyycisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!

  4. Tom Baker was my favorite Dr. Who. And yes, she does need a date with a Dalek to EXTERMINATE her. Jelly babies anyone. And his female sidekick Mary Jane was the hottest babe he ever time traveled with. And I loved the smartass robot dog K-9 as well.


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