Is Electing the Elderly Bad for “Democracy”? – IOTW Report

Is Electing the Elderly Bad for “Democracy”?

Study Finds

Does American politics have an age problem? Researchers in Sweden say the United States is in danger of alienating younger adults who see their elected officials getting older and older every year. Despite making up half of the world’s population, people under the age of 30 lack government representation from people of their own generation. The study finds only two percent of people under 30 have a seat in a legislative assembly. A team at the University of Gothenburg suggests that underrepresentation of young people, especially in America, may cause democracy to suffer. More

21 Comments on Is Electing the Elderly Bad for “Democracy”?

  1. Yes, McCarthy (no, not Kevin – but Senator McCarthy) was right.

    htt ps://

    Feinstein may be old and decrepit, but her real problem is hiring Chinese spies. And I don’t want to hear any bullshit that ‘she didn’t know’. In other words, Feinstein has been on the Chicomm payroll.

    htt ps://

  2. We just need to serve softer food with more fiber content. We’ll be just fine. They all just need successful bowel movements.

    Oh. And I don’t care about some Swedish egghead telling me how to run my country. Are we fucked up? Absolutely. Do we need skateboarding, tattooed and pierced 30 something’s on Capitol Hill?

    You make the call.

  3. It doesn’t matter how old they are, none of these criminals represents any of the normal citizens. They ALL only represent their big business friends, the globalists, and the other criminals that seek to destroy our world while they get richer and control more power. Government itself is the problem, not who sits on the throne.

  4. “Researchers in Sweden say “. Sorry, but fuck the Swede’s. In fact Butt Fuck The Swede’s. Any European shit hole offering criticism of our country only does it for one intent. To further harm our country.

  5. “Researchers”? No. Scribblers.
    “Study”? No. Polemic propaganda.

    Their comments about democratic govt and age groups are simply more damned identity politics. What matters is an individual’s values and principles, not how old or what color or what sex.

    This is old, tired, value-free collectivism.

  6. “The study finds only two percent of people under 30 have a seat in a legislative assembly.”

    Not surprising or shocking. Did the author intend to point out that only two percent of legislative assy. seat holders are under thirty?

  7. Fix election fraud and everything falls into place.

    If some District wants to “represented” by some doddering old fool (or some young Sandy O’Cortez – type fool) that’s what Representation IS.

    But every effort should (must) be made to ensure that every election represents the will of the voters – and only a majority of REGISTERED voters (not just the voters who show up) should be required for victory (a stay-at-home is a “NO” vote).

    But THE Swedes wouldn’t understand any of this – they’re socialists inundated with rat-people. Swedish “men” raped by roving bands of ragheads cry instead of going berserk – a sorry ending for one branch of Vikings.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I don’t care how old they are, although I wouldn’t want anyone mentally incapable of making decisions. More than anything though, on a case by case basis I just want someone in that seat who will vote my way – I trust that others can be the Rand Pauls, Steve Scalises, etc. who are making actual legislation.

  9. Gerontocracy. They have to be in place for a long time to amass power. Character of the elder to hoard what we have. My saving is your hoarding. Body rules encourage this, electoral apathy encourages this. Human nature encourages this. Long periods of apparent stability encourage this. Opportunity to create enormous family wealth encourages this. Everyone wants to be important, to be served and catered to, it’s addictive, power.

    We don’t need a bunch of twenty something just out of law school know it alls in office but we do need to see more turnover to reduce the average age and tenure of the representatives and that can only be provided by an attentive and demanding electorate. Term limits would have an effect but would arbitrarily eliminate people who actually perform and ought to remain in office. Limits would also greatly increase the power (vast though it already is) of the administrative state versus the legislative. Pressure to obtain wealth rapidly would also enormously increase. Returning to selection of senators by state legislatures would be good for the republic as well, restoring the balance of competition between states but it also opens additional avenues for corruption to flourish.

    Gerontocracies are definitionally low innovation, rules bound, reactionary and corrupt.

  10. The issue isn’t age in the US it is the career politician that spends 20-40+ years in politics with no term limits. That is why you have a bunch of 65+, they almost are ensured they’ll keep winning once they get in and these people rarely leave. It is like DC is Hotel California, you can check in by you can never leave except by death and then they often try to demand their family members get the seat. Their loyalty isn’t to the people, it is the donors and those that fill their coffers every election.

  11. 10 years total – elected, appointed, GS, SES, Ambassador, General, whatever.

    They usually start stealing during their first term – but they become more proficient with experience.

    They need to hold real jobs with profit motives to understand what it is they’re attempting to “govern.”

    Maggots like Biden, Manchin, McConnell, Pelosi, and Mad Max Waters have never had any real jobs or any exposure to work – thus they are clueless on real-life issues such as taxes and gov’t spending.

    Repeal the 16th, the 17th, and pass one limiting their damage to 10 years – TOTAL.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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