Lightfoot Dances on the Grave of the Once Magnificent Mile – IOTW Report

Lightfoot Dances on the Grave of the Once Magnificent Mile

UK Daily Mail

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has been blasted over a video of her dancing on the streets, amid continued violent crime and the loss of more flagship stores on the city’s ‘Magnificent Mile’ shopping district that now sits one third empty. 

Lightfoot, who is four weeks shy of what polls have shown is an uphill Democratic primary battle with several opponents, was seen dancing along to a drumline at the city’s Lunar New Year parade Sunday. Continues 

14 Comments on Lightfoot Dances on the Grave of the Once Magnificent Mile

  1. Why shouldn’t it dance?
    Pushing Chicago further into the septic tank of nihilism and despair was its task – and it has accomplished much.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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