It’ll Cost You $95 to Hear Bernie Sanders Tell You Why Capitalism is Bad – IOTW Report

It’ll Cost You $95 to Hear Bernie Sanders Tell You Why Capitalism is Bad

Red State-

As we’ve discussed here before, potential presidential candidates often signal an upcoming run by releasing a “leadership” book before officially announcing their candidacy. Republicans like Mike Pence, Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo have already released books as they eye the White House, and Ron DeSantis will be releasing his next book on February 28. The left has a slightly trickier path in the run up to 2024 since they already hold the White House, albeit with an aged, infirm and unpopular Joe Biden. What are their other options? Kamala? Hillary? You know where this is going.

Riding in on his white horse to save the left from itself — yet again! — is perma-candidate Bernie Sanders and his new, super-preachy book, entitled, “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.” The list price of the book is $28, and here’s what’s in store for those who are foolish enough to shell out their hard-earned cash to hear a pseudo-socialist, octogenarian millionaire pontificate on why capitalism is bad:

Reflecting on our turbulent times, Senator Bernie Sanders takes on the billionaire class and speaks blunt truths about our country’s failure to address the destructive nature of a system that is fueled by uncontrolled greed and rigidly committed to prioritizing corporate profits over the needs of ordinary Americans.

But wait, there’s more. Bernie is taking his act on the road! For a mere $95, you can hear Bernie Sanders, who’s never created a job in his life and has amassed a fortune on a government salary, preach to you about the evils of America — live and in person!


10 Comments on It’ll Cost You $95 to Hear Bernie Sanders Tell You Why Capitalism is Bad

  1. If Bernie TRULY believed in socialism, and equality, then he’d be sharing his vast wealth with us poorer peons and peasants.
    But… we all know….socialists are nothing if not hypocrites.
    Rules for thee, but not for me.

  2. Bernie hates capitalism because he can’t decide which toothpaste to buy. He once said that we don’t need 25 types of toothpaste. Presumably the government should break up Big Toothpaste and dictate how many brands are allowed.


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