Activist Stands in Front of Livestock Truck Heading For Slaughterhouse… See What Happens Next – IOTW Report

Activist Stands in Front of Livestock Truck Heading For Slaughterhouse… See What Happens Next

39 Comments on Activist Stands in Front of Livestock Truck Heading For Slaughterhouse… See What Happens Next

  1. FAAFO kiddies!

    I don’t understand whut they’re all upset about. That truck represents 300 less cows farting CO2 into the atmospere! Ya just can’t win with Leftists Dumbshitz!

  2. What a humanitarian – sarc. Bet he would drive his pregnant girlfriend to an abortion clinic in a heart beat.
    Also, doubt he’s really vegan. He’s probably been captured on a burger joint security camera more than once…recently.
    Another thing, leftist activism use the most childish, asinine tactics imaginable. Standing in front of a multi-ton truck(even at low speed) is a fool’s game. Too bad the trucker would have been charged if he hit those hypocritical idiots that are too left indoctrinated to be “scared straight”.

  3. And remember folks; these zealots are part of the “new religion”. The religion of wokeness and gia.
    They will never admit they are incorrect in their thinking. They are of the generation and ilk of the perpetually coddled.

  4. These activists always have the same reaction when they step in front of oncoming vehicles and then act affronted and shocked as if they never dreamed someone might not stop. “Oh, my g*d!!!”. (Lower case ‘g’ because I doubt very much any of them believe in God.

  5. My cousin used to trail his cattle from Ft Shaw to summer range at Moose Creek up in the Little Belt Mountains. He got into a pissing contest with some gal and ended up driving the cattle right through a housing sub division she was developing.

  6. I like grilled and baked and roasted beef, chicken, and pork – but I would never think to run out and try stop a vegetable truck from delivering vegetables.

    WTF is wrong with them that they believe they’re entitled to shove their dietary opinions up other peoples’ asses?

    Surely that’s indicative of some deep-seated neurosis?

    Don’t want to eat meat? Then don’t eat meat! And shut the fuck up. Pretty simple.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Two quotes that probably weren’t intended to be interpreted correctly “What the f** is wrong with him?” and “F***ing lunatic”. Yup the 150 lb idiot jumping in front of a 20+ ton vehicle fits both of those statements. Oh wait, those were about the truck driver? AHAHAHAHAHAH


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