Activist groups ask for Senate ethics probe into Sinema’s alleged misuse of staff – IOTW Report

Activist groups ask for Senate ethics probe into Sinema’s alleged misuse of staff

JTN: Over a dozen activists groups have asked for an ethics probe into allegations Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is using her staff for personal errands other tasks outside of their official duties.

The request was filed Thursday with the Senate Ethics Committee, and some of the groups are from Sinema’s home state of Arizona, according to The Hill newspaper.

A spokeswoman for the senator, a Democrat who recently became an Independent, denied the allegations. 

A recent document that emerged late last year got the attention of groups such as the Revolving Door Project and Common Defense. The 37-page document war originally reported on by the Daily Beast. MORE

7 Comments on Activist groups ask for Senate ethics probe into Sinema’s alleged misuse of staff

  1. So, are these “more than a dozen activist groups” soros backed? Set on Sinema due to her defection?

  2. Senators’ staffs are ALL go-fers.
    Same in the House.

    I had LAs and AAs take me into shithouses to explain that the water closet was making funny noises, for instance – certainly NOT a duty of an AA or LA.
    (AA – Administrative Assistant; LA – Legislative Assistant – tops of the staff hierarchy) Also seen em pick up booze at Capitol Hill Liquors (don’t ask what I was doing there) for some Representative’s meeting. They pick up laundry, and (at the time) used the Post Office to turn franking into cash, and even make calls to reserve the “Gold Room.”

    Hyped up shit. I’m not defending Sinema, but, seriously?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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