Satanic Temple Declares It Will Open a Clinic Offering “Ritualistic Abortions” – IOTW Report

Satanic Temple Declares It Will Open a Clinic Offering “Ritualistic Abortions”


The Satanic Temple, which has officially unveiled its intent to open what they describe as the “world’s first religious abortion clinic” in New Mexico that will offer ritualistic abortions. Summarizing the objectivity of this mission rather succinctly, The Satanic Temple will name the facility The Samuel Alito Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic in a declaration that lacks as much class as it does subtlety.

Under its wing of TST Health, The Satanic Temple embarks upon a mission to claim a first amendment right to abortion by explicitly employing it as a ritual of worship within its religious tenets that would seemingly undermine the precedent set forth by Dobbs. As stated by the temple’s dogma, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone” — and the fifth — “Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.” More

7 Comments on Satanic Temple Declares It Will Open a Clinic Offering “Ritualistic Abortions”

  1. …doesn’t change what abortion clinics do at ALL, just makes it official and, in some ways, more honest…kinda makes it so the girls can’t hide from the fact that they are indeed serving satan, nicht wahr?

  2. @ geoff the aardvark FEBRUARY 6, 2023 AT 9:12 PM

    No matter what they may offer up to obfuscate or deflect from the truth, at the end of the day, every last stinking one has been an offering to their Dark Prince.

  3. Every time I see the word – abortion -. it is a reminder that someone is killing an innocent, healthy human for personal, self serving reasons.
    We know that a woman who suffers a miscarriage, a loss of a growing child, she is plagued with sadness and other mental issues. The women who promote abortion with tales of their experiences that made their lives better are lying, telling untruths and are murderers of their own chidren.

  4. Another middle finger pointed at God.
    When He reaches out His mighty arm, there will, literally, be Hell to pay.

    Satan shakes his head and smiles – for even he knows that God is God – and the price paid for mocking God.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Well, one does need the blood and flesh of an unbaptized baby for the Satanic parody of the Eucharist. Hope they get AIDS from eating the flesh and drinking the blood of freshly aborted fetuses.

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