Illegal immigrants shipped to Canada from US with government-funded bus tickets – IOTW Report

Illegal immigrants shipped to Canada from US with government-funded bus tickets

PM: It has been revealed that many of the illegal migrants receiving government-funded bus tickets to leave New York City are using the free transport to flee to the Canada

The bussing of migrants to different locations is just one of the many moves city officials have made as they struggle to accommodate the unprecedented influx that has occurred in recent months. The program was intended to keep them within the United States, however, many have exploited a loophole and made a break for the great white north. MORE

13 Comments on Illegal immigrants shipped to Canada from US with government-funded bus tickets

  1. “…many of the illegal migrants receiving government-funded bus tickets to leave New York City are using the free transport to flee to the Canada. ”

    Buh Bye!!!
    Yes, It’s OK. Please leave! Buh Bye! Yes, buh bye!!!

  2. Always have options, Soylent Green, Lab Rats, or Cattle Cars to the ovens. Smart innovated politicians will fake something then bury the truth for years or longer.

  3. Canada is welcoming them with open arms.
    They cross at an illegal crossing where, on the Canada side, they have built a welcoming center to “arrest” the new arrivals.
    Google maps “Roxham Road Champlain NY” and use satellite view to see it.
    this has been going on since Trump took office because the illegals knew he was coming for them, and Canada wants them.

  4. Thank Guys!

    Such a nice act.

    Cross Boarder.
    Borrow Audi in Quebec.
    Go for a drive to a shopping Mall in Ontario.
    Pick up a few nice things at the mall.
    And drive off.

    Total misunderstanding, they just missed a few road signs because we only label in French & English. Totally our fault. We will add Spanish soon.

    Thanks, & sorry for the misunderstanding.

    — Le Government Du Justine

  5. if a US citizen wants to enter canada, they need either a passport or a special driver’s license. They were also requiring proof of vaxxination, but not sure of that now.
    the illegal aliens have more freedom than US citizens
    and no, I don’t want to go to canada myself, at least while it is run into the ground by fidel’s’ bastard child


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