House Agriculture Committee member says US needs answers about China’s spying and buying US farmland – IOTW Report

House Agriculture Committee member says US needs answers about China’s spying and buying US farmland

JTN: According to the Iowa Republican, the United States needs to start showing leadership and show China that it won’t take the spying and the purchasing of our vital farmland.

Iowa GOP Rep. and member of the House Agriculture Committee Randy Feenstra says that the U.S. deserves answers regarding the Chinese spy balloon as well as China buying American farmland.

“This should scare every American that our China adversaries are spying on us at an alarming rate,” Rep. Feenstra said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. “So not only are they buying our land, they’re also watching us from above. This shows that we have a lack of leadership on the world stage.” MORE

5 Comments on House Agriculture Committee member says US needs answers about China’s spying and buying US farmland

  1. Here in Forgotonia, the majority of farmers in financial difficulty will sell out to whoever has the finances to buy out their family inheritance. This is big time financial wheelers and dealers like the Chinese, Bill Gates and other criminal organizations. This difficulty is brought on by outrageous taxing by demoncrats from the Illinois politicians especially by JB Pritzker. [period]. China has been spying on the US ever since Bill Clinton sold the military patent data base to China and deposited the money into the DNC. Don’t think that this was by chance, it was by design. The Chinese have hundreds of high polluting hog farms in the Midwest polluting our country and sending the processed pig meat back to China. Don’t ever question the treachery of the Demoncrats, it is Soros funded and leads to the the death of the American famer.

  2. God your a idiot, Pritzker removed Illinois as an indebted state, has absolutely nothing to do with farmland in other states.
    While you were ranting, if I only had a brain is showing.

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