Biden blames poor office pack-up job for document scandal – IOTW Report

Biden blames poor office pack-up job for document scandal

JTN: President Joe Biden on Wednesday blamed his classified document scandal on a lack of thoroughness by his staffers when packing up his old offices.

“One of the things that happened is that what was not done well is, as they packed up my offices to move them, they didn’t do the kind of job that should have been done, to go thoroughly through every single piece of literature that’s there,” he told PBS News Hour, per The Hill. “To the best of my knowledge, the kind of things they picked up are things, they’re from 1974, stray papers. There may be something else, I don’t know.”

After rigorously condemning former President Donald Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified materials, Biden appeared to have ink on his face when reports emerged that a lawyer clearing out his old office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington had discovered classified materials.

Biden indicated he was unaware of classified materials at his Penn Biden Center office, saying he was “surprised” by their discovery. Of those discovered at his Delaware home, the president defended his storage of those materials inside his garage given they were in the same place as his Corvette. MORE

10 Comments on Biden blames poor office pack-up job for document scandal

  1. …well, THAT certainly doesn’t address the fact that the Vice President has no legal right to possess highly classified documents in his office and not in a SCIF in the FIRST place, where they are apparently available to any swinging dick packing a box, now, DOES it?

  2. 1800 is an incredible number to generate but it makes sense.
    Did you see all the government swampies waving good bye to Ron Klain yesterday?
    Hundreds of them came out.
    99% of those jobs are not only useless, they are detrimental to the USA.
    It’s over people, we lost.

  3. 1800 boxes points to a greedy pack rat who takes just to take! It doesn’t matter who packed them it is Biden’s responsibility lock, stock and barrel – an oh by the way, where’s the inventory? Government docs should be inventoried and responsibly stored. Once again that is Biden’s responsibility and no one else’s. It has his name on it. He own this!
    Then on top of all that we get to the fact that docs taken while he was VP is a crime!

  4. Joey’s a typical liberal placing the blame on everyone but himself. He dindu nuffin, and if he did he can’t be held accountable since he’s a democrap. White dindu’s are just as bad or worse that black dindu’s, because they think that they can hide behind their white superiority.


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