There is an Extinct Dog Breed Called a Turnspit – IOTW Report

There is an Extinct Dog Breed Called a Turnspit

It sounds like a joke, but it’s real.

In England in the 16th century, they built a large “hamster wheel” that when rotated in turned meat over an open fire. The turning was required to cook the meat evenly. The dog was bred to turn the wheel.

9 Comments on There is an Extinct Dog Breed Called a Turnspit

  1. Wow! Monotonous with a frying accent….. absolutely ridiculous,

  2. WTF?
    Dog was getting plenty of exercise, probably a few scraps of meat, and got to spread hair and dog dander all over the kitchen – what more should a dog want?

    The dogs were probably proud to be earning their keep – not like those little fluffy shit-dogs that sat in people’s laps and took on their fleas.

    Now the fukkin dogs will be demanding reparations.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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