“High-Altitude Object” Downed Over Alaska – IOTW Report

“High-Altitude Object” Downed Over Alaska


The U.S. military on Friday afternoon shot down a “high-altitude object” flying over Alaskan airspace that the Department of Defense was tracking over the last 24 hours, National Security Council official John Kirby confirmed at the White House.

“The object was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of the Pentagon, President Biden ordered the military to down the object and they did and it came inside our territorial waters and those waters right now are frozen,” Kirby told reporters at the White House briefing. Continues

34 Comments on “High-Altitude Object” Downed Over Alaska

  1. Hmmmmm.
    I wonder if chy-na is going to start sending over every old, worn out weather balloon they have, tricking us into wasting precious armaments, or will they begin to start dropping off real biowarfare agents.

  2. Bull Shit. They shot it down but didn’t know what it was. Just short of impossible. They’re just trying to save face after their last screw up. It was probably a flock of Canadian Geese.

  3. I don’t trust this administration’s word on its own without visual live evidence. On a side note there’s an article I saw on I think Zero Hedge about lasers from the sky, with photos, last week over Hawaii. Real interesting photos.

  4. Don’t we have some AF vets here? I know for a fact we have a pretty healthy protocol to follow before we blow ANYTHING out of the sky. And part of that protocol is knowing exactly what the F it is. These assholes suck at everything. Including lying.
    Air force vets, jump in.

  5. I don’t believe anything that comes out of this government.
    Tell one lie – you’re a liar – henceforth and forever.
    DOD, DOJ, NSA, CIA, House, Senate, White Hut, State Dept., EPA, HUD, Labor, HHS, Agriculture, DHS, Education – whatever – they’re nothing but liars.

    “If I say a thing I know is not perfect truth, it is a flat perjury (a lie).”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. You’ll know it’s fake when you start seeing detailed pictures of the recovered debris from Alaska that have striking similarities to the few photos we’ll see from the one from the east coast.

  7. Brad, I wish it would have been Congress with the guts to ask instead of letting the Chinese get a chance to embarrass this administration and by extension the rest of the nation.

  8. Brad, you’re right. Intercepts usually don’t shoot down unknowns just to get free drinks at the O club tonight. Squeezing the trigger is the last resort. However, if the UFO is a broom and driver sports cankles they can fire at will.

  9. F-101 had a powerful spotlight on the side of the fuselage. One night we scrambled on a P-3 out in the Pacific, headed for Whidbey. Seattle Center concerned because of no response. Scrambled F-101 snuck up alongside, noticed P-3 crew sound asleep. F-101 pilot flipped on the spotlight. Not sure if they ever got the pilots guts back in or not but they probably never fell asleep like that again.

  10. and, just like that, the nordstream pipeline sabotage disappeared from the news. Wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t shoot anything down
    it’s bread and circuses, and they want us to run out of bread

  11. Today’s Air Force is a far cry from the Air Force I was in. I know two things, Strategic Air Command didn’t put up with crap from anybody and John Kirby is a pathetic POS.

  12. Brad, the F-15 has a 20 MM Gatling gun. There was an F-15 flying with the F-22s. The reason for not letting the 15 squeeze off a few rounds and letting a deflated balloon slowly fall to the ground, intact, is embarrassing but mostly political. The story will come out eventually.


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