Hollywood pimp sentenced to prison for running hooker ring that catered to actors, producers – IOTW Report

Hollywood pimp sentenced to prison for running hooker ring that catered to actors, producers

NYP: A movie producer was sentenced to five years in prison on Thursday for operating a sprawling prostitution ring that catered to the wealthy and powerful in Hollywood.

Dillon Jordan, 50, raked in some $1.4 million from the international prostitution business, which he ran from 2010 until 2017 — and whose clients included producers, gamblers and actors, federal prosecutors said. 

Jordan laundered the money through two film production companies that eventually backed moderately successful projects, including 2018’s “The Kindergarten Teacher” with Maggie Gyllenhaal and “The Kid” with Ethan Hawke in 2019, Deadline reported

Several “well-known producers” whom Jordan worked with doubled as clients of his sex-selling business, including one who invested $250,000 in his moviemaking companies, prosecutors wrote in court filings.

Prosecutors, in their sentencing submission, cited statements from several of Jordan’s victims — who described being plied with drugs and alcohol and forced into sex work by the Hollywood pimp.  MORE. h/t Mrs.6pak.

15 Comments on Hollywood pimp sentenced to prison for running hooker ring that catered to actors, producers

  1. Oh how salacious! Don’t Care meter is pegged.

    Now go back and do the politicians’ madame and expose who has what on whom. As it is said, none of them you’d trust your kids with, but let’s put it out there.

  2. So, the pimp goes to jail but not the johns or the prostitutes?

    How many children did he pimp?

    We all know that Hollyweird is a hotbed of pederasty and pedophilia protected by the well-paid pederast/pedophile maggots in Sacramento.

    If he plied his prostitutes with “drugs and alcohol,” why isn’t he charged with drug dealing and/or drug distribution?

    Doesn’t pass the smell test.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Ever since the “Harvey Weinstein/me too” thing, Hollywood producers, directors, and big name stars can’t get sex in the traditional way (casting couch), so this guy just filled the vacuum. Pervs got to perv!

  4. Is the client list sealed or was one ever developed during the investigation. It looks like the elite “johns” dodged another bullet, being assisted by law enforcement and the Judiciary to keep it under-wraps.
    That’s how the judiciary and the elite roll. Above the law.

  5. @ Sippin’ Coffee

    “none of them you’d trust your kids with”

    My don’t care meter is just like yours is, maxed out.

    And if the politicians cannot be trusted with kids, WTF does anyone trust them with the government?


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