Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2 – IOTW Report

Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2

Wondering why chickens are no longer laying eggs and chicken farms are mysteriously catching on fire? – Lurker

The Big Corp chicken feed story MJA just posted works in concert with the chicken eggs/covid story sent you a couple of days ago. Big Corp, Big Pharma, One world Order… – Lurker

28 Comments on Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2

  1. I’m waiting for some kind of chemical analysis to come out verifying a change in feeds. I find it unusual that it hasn’t happened. This situation has been around awhile.

  2. I have more than 20 hens, and have had more than 20 hens since 2017. They don’t lay much in the cold months when they only have chicken feed. They do much better when they are out and about eating what chickens eat in the wild. Chickens eat whateverthefucktheycan.

    Layena and all that other crap is crap. They need to be left to their own devices. As G-d made them.

  3. Create a problem, pretend to fix it.
    So what next?
    Pass a spending bill to import eggs from foreign countries.
    mRNA the eggs so they no longer block the binding of SARS-CoV-2.
    There is a plan.

  4. [Scientists] have been using eggs for flu vaccinations for years. They did the same shit for Covid. Don’t believe their science is better than having good health and having a couple of cackle berries every morning. Their dumb shit cholesterol recommendations are trash. I’m not 70+ years from listening to my 350 lb. nutritionist. — I had covid, I got over covid, I am just fine at 70+ years and I enjoy at least 2 eggs every morning. I don’t feed my chickens crap from questionable sources. , I feed them from reliable sources,
    OK….., if you want to know, I was born at home in 1931

  5. Let Brad, Bad Brad, Asshole Brad, pass on some valuable 411 for avoiding COVID.
    A bunch of us gym rats, including some notable ones, have witnessed if you resistance train, you don’t catch the shit. Most notable Ian Smith who literally went to war with Gov. Murphy from Jersey. What a limp dick piece of shit Murphy is. Atillis gym eventually took the doors off their gym so anyone could train. Atillis gym also kept records of members who contracted the creeping crud. Zero. Nada. I, and many others, have witnessed the same. Why hasn’t anybody examined this? It’s not like it’s a secret.

  6. joe6 I was just responding to Brad’s post.
    He hate me…

    I agree, fitness and age play a huge role in covid.
    That is why Ron DeSantis was so spot on by trying to get the vax to seniors in Florida above everyone else.
    Other governors were sending them back to nursing homes to their death.
    Perhaps that is why I defend Ron so much. The man did it right.

    That said, fitness, age, and everything else doesn’t mean shit if you get a bad strain.
    They will eventually determine the countless strains this morphed into.
    You get a weaker strain, you beat it.
    You get a powerful strain, you better have a extremely strong immune system.
    I beat a really strong strain that took a month of wondering if I would survive until morning.
    I lift, run marathons, heartbeat of 45, likely saved me.

  7. BIG everything is out of control. I suspect BIG everything will soon be forced to acquire each other to become BIGGER everything. The world will eventually resolve down to one phone tree to negotiate to attempt to get anything done. “Push 397 to continue in English.” “If you know your parties 11-digit extension you can enter it at any time.” And speaking of chickens, my wife was trying to work through the phone tree of our formerly small, local phone company. At one point, while talking with an offshore customer service center rep whose primary language was not English, a rooster crowed in the background. My wife commented on it and the rep said he does get loud sometimes. And who knew that breakfast at the maligned Waffle House might prevent more covid than Fauci.

  8. “BIG everything is out of control.”

    BIG everything has always tried to be out of control.
    We used to have a gov’t that reined in BIG Everything, but now our gov’t has joined the gravy train. Our political class are a bunch of nasty, criminal traitors, steeped in cupidity, and corrupt beyond redemption. They have unleashed the Demons of Hell upon our (once) great nation and mankind for the expressed purpose of greed and avarice. They taint everything they touch. They despoil our youth, corrupt our society, and imprison and kill with impunity.

    At one time gov’t service was, indeed, a service to the public; but now it’s a path to ill-gotten riches – the plundering of the Treasury and the oppression of We, the People, to further that plundering for their cronies and families.

    Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Kennedy, Reid, Mittens, Bush, and a host of other, lesser, crime families infest the body politic. Money is clearly being “appropriated” and disbursed to these maggots – they no longer even try to hide it. The ones who should be protecting us from these depredations are the ones who are enabling them – FBI, DOJ, &c.

    Ah, well, ars longa, vita brevis.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. A friend’s son lives in Denmark. He says in the grocery stores there’s basically one brand of everything. Like a true socialist country. Like the current admin. and big corp want for us.
    Local farmers are our best bet to overcome these nasty control freaks.
    I’ve seen some sites with recipes for homemade feed.

  10. The many personalities of Brad (and some others) is what keeps it interesting around here. As a result of Brad’s comments there have been a few times that I’ve found myself saying: “if yer gonna start makin sense around here, I’m goin home”, which is just my way of saying “Dude, you nailed it On . The . Head!”

    I have to share a thought here – When Jackass Joe said “we’re gonna cure cancer” it gave me a warm, runny feeling that in light of everything that’s going on, this can’t be good. Not with THIS crowd! My fear is that they are going to go down the mRNA path again only this time under the cover of a “cancer cure”. Thoughts anyone?

  11. Well, medical scrutiny at the loftiest levels is now merely an artifact us oldsters remember from the good ole days, and I’ve already read multiple articles on The Plan to combine multiple cures for everything into the annual flu shot. Of course it will all be free because the government is paying the tab (wink,wink). So cancer cure? Hell, why not. The BIG corp gas stations have these self-serve coffee machines that grind the beans and brew a fresh cup in seconds. The BIG pharma stores, formerly known as drug stores, will likely have a machine where you dial in your disease and voila! your custom mRNA jab will be instantly available to end you word. To pay you merely need to scan the embedded chip in your wrist.

  12. The problem is Big Democracy is in no way democracy.

    Democracy only works face against face, close enough to sense bad breath. Or else it gets rotten and goes FUBAR.

    We are there. FUBAR.

  13. Does anybody remember when as little as four people died from a vaccine they shut it down?
    We are in the millions.
    Mind you, a “vaccine” that doesn’t stop transmission and it doesn’t stop you from getting it. And where all the animals died during the testing. So their answer to that was stop the testing. And the actual “vaccine” that was approved is not the one being used. And the top person that was responsible for approval is married to fauci.
    Yeah I know, it’s weird.

  14. Despite that the definition of “vaccine” is now changed, the mRNA is not a vax and I refuse to accept the new definition. I know it and refer to it as a jab. I am 75, joining the others on this site who admit to being in their 70s. I still do feel vital and not yet applying for Walmart greeter duty. That said, I’m a long, long way from my USMC days. I’m truly sorry to say that this grand mess we’re all in will fall on those younger than me, but that only applies if the young(er) amongst us see a problem. I am unsure they do. SOMEBODY please prove me wrong. Sigh….

  15. ^^^ “…all the animals died during the testing…”

    Actually all of the animals did not die during the testing. Most of the animals were killed before they died. ‘Culled’ they call it. It works out better for them in their data that way.
    Just like when fauci told people to ‘try a different booster.’ They deliberately corrupted any chance of analysis to avoid having conclusions able to be made.
    they killed the science of epidemiology and now they are practicing necromancy with the corpse.


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