Browser Game That is Pretty Interesting Once You Figure Out What You’re Supposed To Do – IOTW Report

Browser Game That is Pretty Interesting Once You Figure Out What You’re Supposed To Do

22 Comments on Browser Game That is Pretty Interesting Once You Figure Out What You’re Supposed To Do

  1. We don’t realize how good we had it guys.
    We grew up with physical board games like Monopoly, Risk, Life, Chess, etc.
    Pinball games. Can’t beat a good pinball game.
    Physical contact games.
    Hell, even when the little hand-held football games came out.
    The sounds seem primitive but I bet you still remember them.

    Games were tangible, vibrating, feedback style games that you put your hands on and felt, mind & muscle, tactile.

    Not knocking all of these new games it’s just that they don’t even compare to what we had.

  2. Loco, the game “Risk” still makes me cringe. Talk about painfully drawn out. I don’t remember actually having that game end within the rules of the game. It always required a modification to the rules so it would end.

  3. LocoBlancoSaltine February 11, 2023 at 12:13 am

    Give me a 1969 Sears Catalog over an entire 2023 Amazon Website ANY FUCKING DAY OF THE YEAR!

    Yep, the catalog was in the bathroom for our browsing. Now I play Bingo on my tablet when the need arises.

  4. @LocoBlancoSaltine
    “Yes joe6 but I bet you know where Kamchatka is…”

    I know. Kamchatka is at the liquor store, bottom shelf of the vodka Aisle. Insofar as distilled spirits go, I’ve had better, but sometimes ya gotta go with what you got.


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