Trans “Limbo Man” – Matt Walsh – IOTW Report

Trans “Limbo Man” – Matt Walsh

Also, the illogic of lefty terms:

6 Comments on Trans “Limbo Man” – Matt Walsh

  1. Deplorable Second Class February 15, 2023 at 8:30 am

    A the rate we are going mankind will most likely not be around in 1000 years on this earth.

    You sure are optimistic about our future. We are rapidly deteriorating as a nation – and as a people. We have let the left take over, so we aren’t innocent bystanders. Look at the generation coming up and the generation before them. Illiterate, spoiled, immoral, given over to their unnatural behaviors, blasphemy, idolators, yes that group of humans that will be ruling our world. Look at all the empires that have fallen before us on earth. The common thread is a godless society. The Godless are in charge, we will be destroyed. God has a plan for us, and I believe it. Matters not when, matters if you believe.


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