If They Think Trans Are So Attractive, Why Don’t They Date Them? – IOTW Report

If They Think Trans Are So Attractive, Why Don’t They Date Them?

PJ Media

When I was a liberal, I thought I was on the side of the open-minded. I didn’t care if people were gay, and I thought gay people should have the right to get married. What did I care?

For starters, I had no idea that the push for gay marriage — technically a libertarian movement — would eventually lead to leftist harpies insisting, in a most authoritarian way, that I sleep with transgender women men in dresses to prove I’m not a “bigot.” Continues

12 Comments on If They Think Trans Are So Attractive, Why Don’t They Date Them?

  1. DUDE!! why do these pieces always have pictures?

    I guess it’s to highlight the fact that you do not want to date these confused folks, but we kinda knew that anyway.

    If these guys want to date other guys, you don’t need to pretend you are a girl, just date gay guys. I mean, supposedly they are better dressers and can decorate the shit out of an apartment, embrace the perks and go from there.

  2. I can’t count the number of women I have demanded to date me. Because I AM attractive to Raquel Welch types, dammit, it’s THEIR problem they aren’t dating me and they need to fix it!!!
    That’s no different, right??? I mean, if you’re allowed to choose who you date instead of being forced to date a certain type, what kind of right-wing extremist country is that???

  3. LMAO! He looks like Mary Bell on the show HeeHaw! (I was forced to watch it as a kid, I remember well). I can’t help but laugh at them. I don’t feel sorry for any of them – other than they’re losing their souls. Their choice not mine.

  4. Hey, every body! Somewhat off topic (as far as dating gays) but there is a new site out for the un-vaxxed called, “Unjected”. Just type that in. If that does not work try the usual “https://” and/or “wwww” prefix.

    My sister turned me on to this last week. So far, REAL GOOD…from all over the world.


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