Explanation – IOTW Report


12 Comments on Explanation

  1. How’s that meme go?
    That wasn’t me last night.
    That was drunk me.
    I’m sober me and I am not responsible for whatever drunk me said or did.
    Please take it up with drunk me next time he’s around.

  2. Everybody . . .
    Gather round . . .
    Kaa Kaa Kaa

    Come Back, HAPPY

    Aye an a bit o’ mackeral, fiddler, rack and fear
    And I rutted down by the Hade in the furrow
    Well, I slipped me in a flop and hit down and I shied
    An’ cried, cried, cried
    The fear of fallin’ down aft’ taken, never back to rise
    And then cried Mary
    And I tucked up wi’ a claymore out and about
    And I run down, down the mechyn sty
    And beckoned the fiery whore
    That was fallin’ around the feet
    Never I cried
    Never shall ye get me alive
    Ya rotten hound of the Bernie Bros
    Well, I sanpped for a blade
    And a claymore cut and thrust
    And I fell down before him, round his feet
    Aye, a roar he cried
    Frae the bottom of his heart
    That I would nay fall but dead, dead as can by a feat

    And the wind cried back

    Come Back Happy

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