I Reran the Math, and I do Believe It’s 100% – IOTW Report

I Reran the Math, and I do Believe It’s 100%

I didn’t post this to be “outrageous” or to offend. It’s to remind leftist morons that we will not be gaslighted.

Charlie Kirk was pig-piled for posting the above graphic. I don’t think it went far enough in the arc.

25 Comments on I Reran the Math, and I do Believe It’s 100%

  1. My “brother from another mother” is gay and he is totally disgusted by the “trans” movement. He said that gay guys want other gays or good-looking straight guys; lesbians want other lesbians and NOBODY wants to have sex with trans anything.

  2. I get what Charlie is trying to do here but I really hate that graphic.

    First off the trans freaks hate guns and if they could be coaxed into touching one, they are so stupid they would probably point it the wrong way.

    This also portrays the Christian (normal) person as a meek, docile supplicant who cowers under any threat, adverting his eye to the ground. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the Christian that is pushing back, at the school board meetings, in the civil courts, and in the court of public opinion. We recognize this perversion for what it is and are yelling at the rest of society to wake the hell up.

    How about another graphic where the Christian turns around and shoves that gun right up that freak’s ass.

  3. What’s so sad about all this, mental illness is now widely acceptable. The more outrageous their behavior, the more acceptable it becomes for the insane. The trannies are now performing in churches, they’re on TicToc talking about what it’s like to be a woman, and if you dare question them, they’ll have you jailed. I don’t belong to any organized religion, so they can’t touch me.

  4. stop using the term transphobic or homophobic. phobia is fear. I fear no queer

    that which they call call homosexual is in fact septisexual. every sex act they perform involves a sewer pipe or hose. this makes me launch my lunch.

    say septinauseic or transnauseic instead.

  5. wonky honky February 19, 2023 at 9:42 am

    Let’s fix that just a little, 100% of straight guys refuse to perform oral sex on any kind of penis.

    Got into a discussion about this the other day with a “Christian” friend. They said that in some cases male-on-male sex isn’t always a homosexual act. I asked “what do you call it then?” Crickets. So, my friend needs some sex education. Calling something by a different name doesn’t change what it is. Can’t go wrong using God’s word to defend your position. Blasphemy and abominations have no place in God’s kingdom, he destroyed cities over such acts.

  6. It is not about the protest, it is about the reaction. They want VIOLENT reactions, so the can take away more freedoms.
    If they can get LGBTQ into the acceptable, they can push for the +, so the wealthy pedophiles can randomly snatch your children, and claim it was consensual.
    It is estimated that 2,300 children are missing every day in the United States, how do they just vanish?

  7. the public school system is the catalyst behind all this trans-crap et al.

    i begged everyone for a very long time, to go to school board meetings, even if you didn’t have kids. i promised that you would leave those meetings wanting to fix this giant mess that has taken over public education and much more
    the people running the public school system should be held accountable for the countless lives they’ve ruined

    kids can’t do math anymore because their school books are teaching them how to give blowjobs, etc. & they’re joined with the protected weirdo class of the alphabet+ nonsense
    nowadays, the only kids that can do math sell drugs, so they can count their money

    these people know what they’re doing is wrong, that it goes against the natural human order, and they want society to give them permission to be deviant degenerates … because they know what they’re doing is wrong

    on a positive note, I would guess 98% of the trans-dummies took the kill shot, so it’s just a matter of time till we won’t have to deal with this shit on a massive scale

  8. I just about took a sip of my coffee when I saw that, I know I would have spewed it out of my nose.
    They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I think they’re jiving us.

  9. I agree with “andoneinthechameber” about the racist graphic. Why is the black “ladydick” (cant believe I wrote that word) bigger than the other ones? Stereotype much?

  10. The leftist racket only moves in only one way. Object and they declare themselves victims wait then try again. Do nothing and the racket tightens further to the click of indecency.

    The only response is to treat them like the degenerates they are and invite them to live up to their own standards.

  11. If a trans woman wants to receive a BJ, I’ll happily give it it’s bottom surgery, with a rusty lid from a can of SPAM.

    If it wants to receive a BJ, then how han it be a woman? I thought trans women hated their male genitalia, which is why they want it removed.

    Please spay and neuter your liberals.


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