Catholic Bishop Shot Dead in L.A. – Police Call it “Suspicious” – IOTW Report

Catholic Bishop Shot Dead in L.A. – Police Call it “Suspicious”

These detectives are shrewd. I don’t think anyone else but them would characterize someone being shot dead as “suspicious.”

Most would call it expected and not at all unusual.


  • David O’Connell was found dead at his Hacienda Heights home on Saturday
  • Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies found the bishop with a gunshot wound to his upper torso and are now investigating his death
  • O’Connell served with the Church for 45 years, first as a priest then as a bishop

A Catholic bishop was shot and killed in his Los Angeles home over the weekend, in an incident police are calling ‘suspicious.’

Authorities said they responded to David O’Connell’s home in the Hacienda Heights neighborhood at around 1pm Saturday afternoon, where he was found with a gunshot wound to his upper torso, and was pronounced dead at the scene. He was 69.

Deputies had received a call reporting that a person was not breathing at the address, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune reports. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is now investigating his death as ‘suspicious.’

It remains unclear whether a firearm was found at the scene, and authorities have not yet ruled O’Connell’s death a homicide.

The auxiliary bishop’s death was first announced by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, which called O’Connell a ‘peacemaker’ and a man of ‘deep prayer’ who cared for everyone during his 45 years with the Church.


22 Comments on Catholic Bishop Shot Dead in L.A. – Police Call it “Suspicious”

  1. …if a Clinton were involved, they would have ruled it a suicide already.

    …but is it still posible to blame it on Covid?

    …if they can’t blame it on White Supremacy, of course…

  2. “…reporting that a person was not breathing at the address.”


    A bullet hole in the chest will do that.

    Love those 911 caller descriptions.

    …Keep that in mind as cities try to calibrate responses to 911 calls to what the caller SAYS, which MAY be just a leeeetle different from what’s actually going on…

  3. geoff the aardvark
    FEBRUARY 19, 2023 AT 12:39 PM
    “They’ll have it solved in 30 to 60 minutes.”

    …less commercial breaks, which takes a quarter of the time off the clock…

  4. Comedy Sunday here. Stop it!

    A man of the cloth is dead with a hole in him and the whole thing suspiciously stinks to high heaven.

    In the study with the fireplace poker?

  5. Possible leads

    He was auditioning for a role in the latest Alec Baldwin film

    He was mistakenly identified by the Airforce Force as a Chinese weather baloon

    He had incriminating pictures of Hillary Clinton

    (I wanted to say he was IDed as a Jeffrey Epstein accomplice … but I was raised Catholic and my 5th grade nun would beat me with her ruler if I did)

  6. @Carlos the Jackal February 19, 2023 at 1:07 pm

    Homo priest triangle ends in tragedy – film at 11.

    Well I sure am glad I wasn’t the only one thinking along those lines. Everything is possible and probable.

  7. There’s a dead bishop on the landing.
    What’s his diocese?
    How should I know?
    It’s tattooed on the back of his neck.
    Call the Church
    Call the police.
    Call the Church-Police.
    (in unison) THE CHURCH POLICE!

    Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

  8. Ho-wood could turn this into a queer themed film-noir movie. Gay Private Detective Phillip Downlowe gets a call from Monsignore Pew of the RC church, who suspects that the dead priest, Father O’Connel, a former lover, was killed by a rent-boy. Marlowe goes to the church and meets Pew, who is convinced that the LAPD have bungled the case, and that Father O’Connel’s death is not what it seems. M. Pew wants Downlowe to find the real facts but does not want any more bad publicity for the Church. M. Pew gives Downlowe $3,000 dollars to find the killer, and promises to pay $3,000 per week out of a secret fund, until the case is solved. M. Pew and Downlowe retire to the back of the Rectory where they seal the deal.

    On the way out of the church, Downlowe meets a beautiful Tranvestite, Veronica, who is on his way in to see Pew…..

    Downlowe starts nosing around the foulest but familiar streets and alleys of W. Hollywood, LA, and Santa Monica trying to find out the identity of the killer. This is no paradise, as its rainy and foggy every day and the foul streets are inhabited by homeless addicts. He steps in feces and barf every step of the way. But he’s a pretty good detective and finds that all leads take him back to M. Pew and his gay associates.

    The movie ends with a shootout at a run-down garage in Rialito, California. M. Pew has decided that Downlowe knows too much and wants to kill him. Downlowe and his new boyfriend Veronica have been captured and tied up by Pew’s goon squad, but manage to break free and kill Pew with a tire iron.

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