I Can’t Stand Women Like This – IOTW Report

I Can’t Stand Women Like This

63 Comments on I Can’t Stand Women Like This

  1. And the plan to keep us fighting amongst each other keeps rolling along. Fools all of them. I just take solace in the fact that her and her ilk will most likely be the first killed when the SHTF. I’ll be sure to piss on their bodies as I move along and navigate, as best I can, whatever is coming down the pike.

  2. Lemme see if I can wrap my cranial tissue around this one.
    White commie bitch telling white people to shut up about black people…while she flaps her gums about black people.
    Bitch needs to find a rubber room before her crazy becomes more contagious.

  3. …maybe she wouldn’t need to watch Black content if she actually knew any Black people. I’m around Black people from all over the world all day, but since we’re all at work together and trying to raise families and be productive members of society instead of doing masturbatory TikTok racial naval gazing, the context of THAT kind of racial relations where you ACTUALLY help each other do a JOB and live a LIFE would be FOREVER inaccessible to a pampered Limousine Lib such as her.

  4. …somehow, though, I suspect the Black content SHE enjoys the most involves a couple of BBCs in various Caucasian naughty bits and maybe some tips on how she can best cuck her White husband while keeping his money and the house.

    Just saying.

  5. …but keep in mind, as Geoff notes, she IS young and physically attractive, and therein lies the danger

    Young men do whatever they need to, say whatever they need to, to get laid. That’s it. The hippie movement, for example, was fueled by young men getting “free love”.

    If young, cute White women want a guy to indulge her insane rantings as a precondition to getting in some skin, he will nod and raise a fist and burn police stations or whatever she tells him to do…to get laid.

    In this regard the ugly old crows of the Democrat Party are much less dangerous.

    And they don’t reproduce.

  6. Hey, there are lots and tons of people of color, white is a color, pink, yellow, brown, black. Stop contributing to mass confusion and STFU with your spuddle BS.

  7. Tina B
    FEBRUARY 19, 2023 AT 11:49 AM

    …you are kind, but I am simply stating what I see every day. I’m guessing that she doesn’t see very much of the world herself outside of her carefully selected like-minded college indoctrinated clique.

    I’m not saying my MNC employer doesn’t have a degree of Wokeism, not by any means.

    But when your paycheck is dependent on doing actual work that must produce an actual, quantifiable end product in a somewhat dangerous and certainly noisy factory environment, the need for collaboration in a crew-served assembly line mostly makes standing around being too offended to help or be helped by someone because of their race rather problematic.

    She should get out more, gain some real-world context, it would do her good.

    And maybe help her understand that TikTok “creators” are not particularly representative of Black people, or anyone ELSE, for that matter…

  8. CT Ginger
    FEBRUARY 19, 2023 AT 12:01 PM
    “I’ll bet she has at least six cats, buys batteries in bulk and reads romance novels one handed.”

    …I suspect you mean the last two items with regard to a rather imposing item she keeps in a drawer with various unguents that is, for some reason, blow-molded in rich, dark plastic…

  9. I can’t stand the flicking of the hands and fingers. It’s an aggressive style of non-verbal learned from black women.

    “I’m going to flick my hand and fingers out toward your face while I correct you.”

    I absolutely loathe the “Monolithic Voice” sledgehammer that is wielded by Racist Progressives – whereby every time a black speaks, it’s on behalf of the group.

    Fukc her.

  10. So much to really “unpack”. Something that hypocritical classical Karen in the video knows little about.

    To begin with, White liberals are too willing to surrender their autonomy to Marxist doctrine out of mostly ignorance. There is nothing to be gained by being a useful idiot. This woman would be one of the first to be sacrificed for the “cause”.

    This Karenista really thinks she can distance herself from the hateful racist rants directed at her. She’s in denial these are real threats to her existence. Black Demwit racists want her exterminated. No amount of elitist ivory tower, arm chair analytical gymnastics will change that fact.

    Also, it’s evident by this woman’s self importance attitude, feminist elites like her are constantly obsessed with controlling the narrative by telling whites to keep quiet while in particular, weaponized black American racists berate and demonize them.
    As scripted, making whites bullies deserving retribution from victimized blacks. A purposeful lie to further resentments. Setting up white people for violent, unprovoked attacks.
    In the meantime, white elitists keep in the background directing the narrative. The left are truly evil.

    Which brings to mind another point, Marxist promote black people as superior to other people groups as a way to divide and conquer. It instills contempt and hate for black people, who in their stupidity go along with the commie charade. Willing to self-destruct in the process through rampant criminal behavior, abortion on demand, embracing socialist doctrine etc. blind to who is pulling the strings.

    Also, black people are not gods. They are very flawed people, unfortunately in ways that negatively affect all of society, thanks to willfully being misguided by the left. Perfect tools to create resentment and backlash – a tactic of the left to eliminate who have become the weakest, most manipulated, gullible group of people in society – reducing any potential opposition.

    Be aware, white elite globalists and black Marxist tools are actually on the same side. They are in the business of destroying our God-given foundations – liberty and freedom which have made The United States so successful and influential to other Western nations. The United States of America the most powerful, dynamic nation of them all is the left’s prime target.

    Let’s make sure conservatives don’t fall for the leftists maniacal trap. It’s imperative to continue making the mountain of socialist lies the left have perpetrated crumble on top of them – they built it.

  11. Those two – I forget their names – but they go around charging white women around $5K to host dinner parties during which these two hacks (whose names I forget) insult them in every way that involves race.

    This woman in the video and those like her are what got this little “business” of those going and what keep it going. Imagine the type of mind one has to come up with the idea that they could get people (women in particular) to do all the work of hosting an elaborate, expensive dinner party and be insulted and labeled all the way through – and PAY thousands for the privilege!?

    And what kind of mind to happily accept this set up?

    Lonely, immature, low self esteem people with not enough to do and who aim to find something to make them feel needed or useful.

  12. Indoctrination, pure and simple.

    And those indoctrinated are always pushing others to enter the darkness.

    How long can we survive? Coming close to letting God sort ’em out.

  13. Her white guilt compounded by her “white ignorance” should have her entering the annual “Punch in the Face Contest Against Racism”. I am sure after a few punches and a couple of thrown in bitch slaps, she will be feeling more at one with the cause.

  14. I remember the good old days when these spinsters would have conversations like this with their cats instead of putting it on the internet for the whole world to pity and mock.

  15. if you are white, how often do you talk about white people, white culture, whiteness, et cetera? how often does the subject come up around you?

    white people who obsess about race, from any point of view, play absolutely no role in my existence.

    white people who obsess about race are in no way useful or helpful or practical. it’s like some kind of disease that seizes control of their mind and diverts it from practical skills and necessary tasks.

  16. She needs to go preach this whole white wokeness at an open forum BLM public social in Oakland where, after the cameras are turned off she gets her down w/BBC’s and used and abused like the only towel in a $2 a shot 20 room whore house after an all nighter with the hardcore BLM socialists. Maybe her cuteness would rub off on 1 or 2 of them, but I doubt it.

  17. AnonTrooper FEBRUARY 19, 2023 AT 11:20 AM
    Would you like ranch with that word salad?

    Her or me as mine was the post above yours…

    Anyway, the only solution that I see for her would be relocation to 35th & Cottage Grove in Shitcago. Unless…

    Perhaps I should view the video to really determine if she’d fit in at that location.


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