Russia Begins Spring Offensive – IOTW Report

Russia Begins Spring Offensive

US News and World Report

Russia’s widely anticipated new offensive in Ukraine has begun with embarrassing failures that undermine its ability to change momentum as the war approaches its one-year mark, Western officials and analysts say, while cautioning that the situation could quickly change.

“Russia is continuing to introduce large numbers of troops into the theater. Those troops are ill-equipped and ill-trained and because of that they’re incurring a lot of casualties,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said Thursday morning alongside his Estonian counterpart during a visit to the Baltic nation. “We expect that will continue.” Situation

15 Comments on Russia Begins Spring Offensive

  1. I don’t believe one fucking thing that this democrat commie dictatorship says anymore about anything, especially coming from that fat piece of worthless affirmative action shithead, Secretary of Defenseless Lloyd Austin. That goes double for this garbage what is really happening in the Ukraine War. I’ll tell you who is ill equipped and ill trained – Our own Armed Forces.

    Lies, lies and more goddamn lies.

  2. “Russia’s widely anticipated new offensive in Ukraine has begun with embarrassing failures that undermine its ability to change momentum…”

    LOL! If this is the best that IOTW can report, I think I’ll remove it from my go-to list.

  3. In this day and age of everyone having a camera on their person, why are there never any real images or videos of this massive war? one might think it would be important for many to share that with the world..

  4. Turbo, The little Olive Drab Dictator of Kiev won’t allow reporting from the front. There are plenty of images and video from the Russian side, reported by journalists from all over the world. You just have to look harder, because god knows our western media won’t make it easy to find.

  5. Wow! Russia lost 130 aircraft out of 1500, they say.

    Yeah, for sure, the Ukes have the Russkies on the run. It won’t be long before we see the Uke flag flying over the Kremlin and Putin swaying from a tree.

    US News and World Report – The place to go for accurate war information.

  6. I’m surprised that the US Gov’t hasn’t forced Moscow, Idaho to change its name to Kiev. It could withhold all kinds of funding from the Idaho city till it gives in.

  7. “Vlad nukes DC – Americans show their apreciation” -Anonymous

    “Price of glass falls through the floor, economy rebounds! Film at 11.”

    “And more! See why the elimination of the IRS in the blast is the best thing to happen to the U.S. in 110 years! Will the FED be next?! People in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey are dying to know.” (from KICU2 TV)

  8. “Western officials and analysts say”



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