Breaking! Someone Took a Hard Fall Out of Air Force One – IOTW Report

Breaking! Someone Took a Hard Fall Out of Air Force One

Is it Biden?

17 Comments on Breaking! Someone Took a Hard Fall Out of Air Force One

  1. Diplomatically an Executive exiting the REAR of the Plane is considered an insult.
    ChYnA did it To Turdeau, so I’m guessing it was someone other than Joey ShitPants unfortunately.

  2. Kcir – Don’t Care, Everything I$ $till out of $tock for 3 month$
    FEBRUARY 21, 2023 AT 10:01 AM
    “Diplomatically an Executive exiting the REAR of the Plane is considered an insult.

    ChYnA did it To Turdeau…”

    China did it to Barry Soetoro as well…but NOT to President Trump.

    Go figure…

    ht tps://

    …although in fairness, I suspect Trudeau and Barry PREFER going in and out the rear anyway…


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