A New Pet Has Entered the BFH Pet Portrait Gallery – IOTW Report

A New Pet Has Entered the BFH Pet Portrait Gallery

This is Scully. I love this portrait. Scully is the brother (from another mother?) of Kenner, a pet I previously painted in 2018.



The easel is clear. Please forgive me if you had asked about a portrait and I dropped the ball. Now is the time to contact me. BigFurHat.mail AT GMAIL DOT COM.

6 Comments on A New Pet Has Entered the BFH Pet Portrait Gallery

  1. I would not have a problem with Scully and Kenner on MY couch, they look like real fun little guys that I’m SURE will stay out of my snacks!

    And well-rendered as always by our talented Mr. Big. I have four BFH originals, each one s treasure, but the one with my Mini is extra beloved because she crossed the Rainbow Bridge a little while ago as a dignified elderly lady, but I have my Big painting of her caught in her prime in a moment of impishness to remind us always of the too-brief love that God let us share together as a promise of what’s to come.

    Enjoy your portraits of your rascally little guys, Carmenzoid. They are a lovely reminder of the gift they are here, and of hope of who is waiting when we cross over and find there is more than memory on the other side.


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