Punchable Voice – IOTW Report

Punchable Voice

18 Comments on Punchable Voice

  1. Nice finger tattoos…..The Viet Cong and their conscripts used to tattoo their individual fingers so somehow they could be identified after being blown into eyes, hair and teeth on the Ho Chi Minh trail….

    I learned that from a Laotion who got conscripted when he was about 8 years old….Talented welder, but wasn’t quite right in the head….It’s just something that pops into my my when I see silly finger tattoos….

  2. I never have had any use whatsoever for a worthless f’n See You Next Tuesdays who fancies herself worthy to engage others in one concocted one-way enlightenment of the benighted after another. Fact is, I never have seen an example wherein they didn’t make a total ass of themselves.

  3. Instead of a face punch, go for a throat punch.
    Longer lasting effects, more satisfying.

  4. Can you even imagine the bad hygiene habits of this Scrunt? Stenchpot is her middle name. This fat Hershey hog is just pining for a high hard one and there are no takers. Go change your cat litter boxes. Their full.

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