ICYMI- The Anti-Vaxxers Won – IOTW Report

ICYMI- The Anti-Vaxxers Won

ht/ jd hasty

26 Comments on ICYMI- The Anti-Vaxxers Won

  1. I did not miss it the first time. I only wish I knew what these people were thinking when they allowed themselves to be injected with an experimental gene therapy.

    I’ve taken a victory lap – but have not rubbed their (relatives, friends and acquaintances) in their terrible, misplaced, anxiety driven error. But I’m still hoping for the best outcome for them.

  2. I only afford the same courtesy to they who never opened their stinking rotten mouths even one stinking time regarding coercing or using force against others. The rest of them need to make restitution in full for what THEY HAVE BEEN 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR.

  3. There are two kinds of anti-vaxers; the ones that think the vaccines we’ve used since WWII cause autism, and the ones that don’t trust mRNA vaccines. The first fear has been disproven, but the Left has lumped the second group into the first.

  4. I didn’t realize it was a competition.

    I wasn’t trying to win. I was just trying to maintain my own health and be left alone.

    And I feel no urge to gloat about the fact that I made the correct decision; I feel a profound sadness for the vaxxed who are living in dread and fear. That said, I have no urge to socialize with –or vote for– people who treated us like lepers. But, I think they deserve to be treated for the diseases that may be festering in them –or at least given palliative care like they condescended to provide the antivaxxers with covid. It would cost my crushed soul too much to hate the sanctimonious masses who were duped; I need to save that rage for the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 for the people who engineered and profited off this horror.

  5. We have peace of mind. We have immunity. If we’re retired or self employed we didn’t lose our jobs. We’re not going to gloat – just please learn from our example. A fraudulently installed gubmint does not have your best interests in mind. Think for yourselves and listen to the voice of reason. An entity that gives you a problem is not going to give you the solution too.

  6. I have been around 4 women that have or had Covid in the past 2 weeks. They’re all vacced.
    One of which is my wife, that had the J&J.
    And she’s about half mad that I didn’t get sick as well.
    I an confident I had it Dec. of 2019.
    Sorry, not sorry. I made my opinion known.

  7. Yet we will NEVER learn who really weaponized the virus to harm humanity and fill their fukkin pockets.
    Without apology, I say again, TO HELL WITH THEM ALL. (there are MANY ‘bloody hands’)

  8. I have had to manage people in seizures over the vaxxx. I have had to deal with young people’s chest pains over the vaxxx. I sent a young pre-eclampsic lady to the hospital who later miscarried that had no problems before she got the vaxxx. I was unable to save a young man who collapsed and died at work because of the vaxxx.

    None of these people “deserved” their fate. All were simply duped into thinking it was the “right” thing.

    ….after all, Doctors and Nurses, Governors and Presidents, and ALL the Government health authorities called it “sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe”, nicht wahr?

    Who can blame kids raised to “Trust Authority” for believing them?

    …no, I will not hate those people. Not even for clinging to the hope they were right, sometimes shrilly, because they are more trying to convince themselves than they are condemn me.

    No, I can do little but pity them.

    And expect to bury them.

    Soon enough.

    …but someone must pay.

    Those who crafted the lies must pay. Those that knowingly coerced people to inject themselves and their children with poison for the benefit of their own power and wealth…must pay.

    and that can NEVER be soon enough.

  9. I have many friends and family and know thousands who will be wondering for years why governments sold them out so very blindly. I also wonder why the government has not changed course, unless they don.t accept the truth or just refuse to see it. Or just maybe the devil really exists.

  10. I didn’t want to be right. initially. I knew I was likely correct and confident in my decision based on my own experience and convictions, but I wasn’t looking to ‘win’ anything. now that we have gone through the last few years and all the pain and bullshit these evil fucks inflicted upon the population, both vaxxed and unvaccinated, I’m enjoying the moment every single time one of the people who derided, mocked, or berated me for my personal decision gets the Rona again and again. it’s probably my favorite ‘i told you so’ of the last few years. since they wouldn’t let me be happy, I’ll be right. if they trusted authority and got duped, sorry for your luck. they weren’t without the ability to read and research things independently. if they were just militant, branch covidian brain dead lemmings, then fuck em.

  11. Unfortunately I had to take the pseudo-vax to keep a job that I love, even though I knew what is was all about. My choice not to put my family in poverty, even though I knew the vax was worse than just ‘fake’.

    However, no boosters.

    I almost have to ignore what they really want to do – take away our choice and incorporate mRNA viruses into our food – tough to say ‘no’ to eating, since my family and I are not able to go ‘off the grid’.

  12. The positions of the government, the medical community, and the media were just so suspicious. They tried to entice and bribe people to get the vax, then they went with mandates, trying to force an experimental treatment which was clearly in violation of the Nuremberg Code. They censored anyone and anything that didn’t tow the line with the official narrative, and punished doctors and scientists just for disagreeing with them.

  13. Although it will never happen – SOMEONE (many someones) SHOULD PAY. This was not done by mistake. This was intentional. It was designed to harm people and enrich the planners. Obviously, many allowed themselves to be duped through misplaced trust or ignorance. If one is paying attention, it should be evident that our government’s priorities do not lie with the people.


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