Breaking: Project Veritas Team Explains the B.O.Ds is Out of Their Control – They Want O’Keefe Back – IOTW Report

Breaking: Project Veritas Team Explains the B.O.Ds is Out of Their Control – They Want O’Keefe Back

The boots on the ground team is loyal to O’Keefe. They consider him their leader, and they want him back. Because they are a non-profit, they must have a board of directors to oversee the operations and the money.

The BOD are volunteers, and they feel they uncovered abuse at the hands of O’Keefe.

O’Keefe has neither resigned or been fired. It’s a state of limbo, and PV is not happy.

Let’s see what O’Keefe says.

PV is the most important journalistic endeavor the right has ever produced.

I’m not trusting that these “volunteers” haven’t been approached by Pfizer, or even the government.

9 Comments on Breaking: Project Veritas Team Explains the B.O.Ds is Out of Their Control – They Want O’Keefe Back

  1. Of course these “volunteers” haven’t been approached by Pfizer or the govt. That would never happen!

    Pfizer or the govt would hire Roberto and Luigi, and then Roberto and Luigi would approach the BOD members.

  2. Another point that is absolutely crucial is that James O’Keefe was not installed in that position, he rose organically to the position he occupied in the organization. The fucksticks from Pfizer who were behind this have no first hand knowledge of such a leadership dynamic. All they know is how things work in an organization in which leadership is decided politically. The Board members had no more business being in charge than the goddamn nitwits who have never run anything and get themselves voted President of the local bass fishing club or appointed to the board of a non-profit and are drunk with power.

    The pronouns on the one guy’s signature line are a dead give away that he is a trend follower and all he knows about leadership is that being down with the current thing is a must.

  3. Absolutely,100%, without any doubt, this was engineered by Pfizer. Their fingerprints don’t need to be all over it. People were posting about what was coming even before it went down.

  4. What’s really weird is that James IS “Project Veritas” – without him, they’re nothing. He should just move on – and next time, no fucking “board of directors” other than James, and maybe his mother.

  5. On the flip side, if James DOES end up leaving, that means he’ll be free to create something new without having these fuck-sticks involved one iota, or having to deal with trouble of firing them and then having it contested. Could actually turn out to be the best possible outcome in the long run.

  6. I got some fundraising information in the mail today from PV and took great pleasure in writing “NO” in great big letters across everything then folding it up, sticking it back in their postage-paid envelope, and mailing it back to them.

  7. One key thing I’ve read about this is that in order to be a non-profit and take tax-free charitable donations, you MUST HAVE a board of directors. As far as the IRS is concerned, they won’t give a sole practitioner (or the like) that tax status.

    That means it is critically important to pick the right board members, something evidently that James was not able to do for one reason or another.

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