WEF Bint Wants To Eliminate 7 Billion People From the Planet – IOTW Report

WEF Bint Wants To Eliminate 7 Billion People From the Planet

All the world’s problems will be solved if we get our nearly 8 billion people down to 600 million.

But we are wearing tin foil hates when we say Covid may be a depopulation program.

40 Comments on WEF Bint Wants To Eliminate 7 Billion People From the Planet

  1. The hubris and arrogance of these elitists is stunning if not frightening. They need to be exposed, ridiculed and extinguished.

    Oh, and BTW, you first bitch. Posthaste

  2. The stupidity here is off the charts. How much more food can we produce now than back then. Dr, of what? Is that old bat volunteering? Are we writing down names? Pink mist the entitled bitch. 1 down.

  3. Wait, so who is that suggesting killing off a shit load of peeps? It’s not Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis. It would be nice to know who this old bitch is. I don’t see her being identified

  4. Population reduction has been real at the highest levels for decades. Abortion, euthanasia, hard drugs, sexual deviance, idleness, hopelessness (climate change, doom is upon us). War. mRNA shots for all!

  5. Bill Gate”s population target is a far more “reasonable” 3 billion. That will assure the elites a robust slave class to serve them.

    These people are insane, but then, the whole world seems to be insane right now.

  6. What could possibly go wrong? I’m sure they have this scoped and planned down to the gasp.

    Anyways, it’s all about saving life on Earth. You gotta problem with that, bigot?

  7. What are the “problems” that she’s pretending to be trying to solve?
    And how are the murders of 7 Billion humans considered reasonable?

    Sort of a “Final Solution” to the human question?

    Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Himmler, Goebbels, and Heydrich pale in comparison to this evil bitch.

    Isn’t “conspiracy to commit genocide” a crime?
    Why not? Who speaks for the 7 Billion?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. That was Jane Goodal, godless ape worshipper, in 2020.

    Funny how depopulationists preach to everyone else but don’t walk the talk.
    Same with people who supposedly hate this country never leave.

  9. But, butt, Isaac Asimov, (a former Professor of Biochemistry at the Boston University School of Medicine; and after retiring, this planet’s most prolific author of Science Fiction,) published a 1971 non-fiction paper, “The Good Earth Is Dying,” which explains how to calculate what is now called carrying capacity for Earth. Asimov’s result was … forty trillion, or sixty-seven thousandish times number which the innumerate Dr. Jane Goodall “calculated” by sniffing the still moist finger which she pulled from her WD-40 lubed snatch.

  10. I assume everyone here understands that the Ukraine & Russia were BOTH countries that were NOT BIG ON MIGRANT IMMIGRATION and now they are wiping themselves out.

  11. I believe if we eliminated around 500 people in the US, it would solve many of our problems.
    But, even then it will take 10 t0 20 years to correct the problems Biden has and will create.

  12. I know where to start. Let’s start with every member of a government anywhere, the entire UN staff from top to bottom, the entire WEF, CFR and Bilderburger scum and almost all of the MSM.

    It’s a start…

  13. In order to eliminate 7 billion people from the earth, the people promoting genocide (like Goodall and Gates) will not have the luxury of picking and choosing who shuffles off this mortal coil. There would have to be indiscriminate mass casualty events all over the world, and some of those casualties would likely be in the elite group promoting this lunacy.

    But more importantly, killing off this number of people would eliminate most of the folks the elitists need to stay alive themselves – and there would be a secondary mass casualty event that would reduce the population more than 7 billion. People who grow food, people who process food, people who transport food, doctors, people who make medicine, nurses and other caregivers, people who build shelter, people who maintain equipment and other necessary items, etc. Bill Gates could design Windows 12, but who would be around to use it? From Gates perspective, Windows 12 had better be edible.

    Sure, there are whole groups of people who could disappear without much of an impact on society – Tik Tok influencers, coffee baristas and liberal arts professors come to mind. But unlike the gorillas Goodall used to study, humans have evolved into specialists – farmers, people who can manufacture goods, people who can build and maintain things, etc.

    The argument can be made that there would still be a billion people around, and isn’t this enough? I live in a small town, and if you eliminated 85% of our population, our community would wither away completely and quickly. Frankly, eliminating that percentage world wide mean you have pockets of people scatters all over who cannot get to each other, and this would result in further casualties.

    As a final thought, I believe P.J. O’Rourke had it right in his essay on population where he discussed Thomas Malthus. Malthus thought the world was overpopulated, but when you look at where Malthus thought the population problem was centered, it was in third world countries. O’Rourke thought that you could understand what Malthus really believed about overpopulation if you substituted the term “brown people” in those sections where Malthus advocated reducing the number of “people.” The same seems to apply to the WEF.

  14. So the bint doctor has lived her enriched life. She’s not far from the grave and would enjoy taking millions with her. She would not have advocated this early in her career. Like the jab, doctors are to be avoided as well. The Dr. Megele’s are showing just who they are, and say who they are with a straight face. They kill and get away with it.


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