Prayers For Snowball the Sourpuss – IOTW Report

Prayers For Snowball the Sourpuss

He’s having some emergency surgery on his stomach.

Doc received word from Snowball’s brother.

Snowball has been with this site from day 1. Let’s help him rally.

34 Comments on Prayers For Snowball the Sourpuss

  1. Dear Lord, we stand before You today to ask Your mercy on our brother in this dire surgical matter, that You will make Your sign of healing on him for all to see. Lord, please guide His surgeon’s hand, touch his body to mimimize pain and maximize knitting, and walk around his bedside as his Ultimate Physician to speed him full and complete healing. We ask that You do this out of Your infinite mercy and give him a testimony to Your everlasting glory. In the name of Your Son Jesus we pray, Amen.

    God Bless,


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