East Palestine Toxic Wastewater Going to Houston and Toxic Soil Headed to Detroit – IOTW Report

East Palestine Toxic Wastewater Going to Houston and Toxic Soil Headed to Detroit

associated press

Toxic wastewater used to extinguish the fire following the train derailment in East Palestine is headed to a Houston suburb for disposal, according to the Associated Press. Most of the contaminated soil is going to Michigan.

The wastewater is being sent to Texas Molecular, which injects hazardous waste into the ground for disposal.

A Texas county official says there are outstanding questions about the transportation and disposal of the toxic wastewater that has been moved to a Houston suburb from East Palestine. Dispose

Officials in Michigan have put a stop to the shipments of toxic soil. Here

108 Comments on East Palestine Toxic Wastewater Going to Houston and Toxic Soil Headed to Detroit

  1. But also here in Michigan our retarded governor is attempting to reward the same railroad responsible for the disaster 15 million
    in taxpayer dollars to encourage business.

  2. Pete Butthead will show up wearing his little yellow vest, his safety glasses and a Steson hat – though do they make one that small?

    They’ll borrow one from an old Howdy Doody doll. – Dr. Tar

  3. The dichotomy between Biden bringing satchels of cash to Ukraine, kissing the little tyrant’s ass and the good people of East Palestine suffering with health issues, dying animals, rivers and fields polluted, and farms unsafe for habitation, and getting the backhand of their elected leaders, it could not be more striking.

    Illegal aliens getting put up in hotels while American citizens are told, “Tough shit, fend for yourselves”, I would say heads need to roll but that would be too charitable.

    Right now all the resources of the federal government need to be mustered and utilized, with something like the 9-11 trust fund, with Norfolk Southern fitting the bill for future medical problems.

    I expected Mike Dewine to be a pussy but TBH, I’m surprised JD Vance is not making more of a stink. I know he is new, but swift, determined, and tenacious action on his part now, a demonstrable show of display for the people of his state that he will not rest until recompense is administered, this could make his political career.

  4. Rich Taylor

    Every Federal Law enforcement agency is corrupt. The Military is now corrupt. Corrupt maybe the wrong word. Fascist, Communist, you pick. For Christ sake our CIA for some time has been overthrowing free and fair elections down in south America in favor of the damn SOCIALISTS.
    So, my question is, if Susan Rice held a press conference tomorrow and announced that the United States was no longer a Republic or a Democracy, all elections have been suspended, and the Government will appoint your local and regional leaders.
    My guess, not a damn thing. They’re not showing much political savvy taking care of our own. Is it because they know we are now the FUSA? I think so.

  5. Loco

    You idiot. FOX News is a for profit corporation that has a business plan. That bsinees plan was crafted by waaay left of center people like Paul Ryan. Tucker makes them a lot of money with his talking points. And maybe he is a conservative. The verdicts not in. But when the manure hits the ventilator Tucker will bow down to cooperate. He did in 2020. He’s testified he never thought the election was stolen for the Dominion lawsuit. Did you miss that little bitch? Election night he was total Anti Trump with the rest of the network. Yo my little bitch do not understand how business, and in particular, the corrupt media works. If Tucker is a true conservative he should take a pay cut and move to a truly conservative network. I can think of only one. And it aint FOX. It’s OAN
    Loco, you little pussy, was the election stolen in 2020? Yes or no. Do you agree with Tucker? Fucker? LOL

  6. Since the derailment, Tucker has apportioned a segment of each night on the people of East Palestine, how this tragedy has affected them personally, and how their lives have universally changed for the worse. Not only are these good people who don’t deserve this but their plight hits home for me. Although I live in an affluent area of the Bay Area, there are 3 large oil refineries (Valero, Chevron, and Shell) all within 10 miles of me, and yes, I think about something similar happening here.

    And as far as Tucker being a conservative or not, who cares? We should treat our news commentators the same way we treat our politicians; when they say and do the right things, support them, when they stray, hammer them. Tucker covers the stuff I care about, the truth about the Ukraine War, the border, the weaponization of our LE agencies, the out-of-control spending, and all the swamp creatures embedded in our government that wield their power to direct opposition to the good of the people.

  7. Sure Jan, um Brad, Tucker should go from being THE MOST WATCHED on cable news to a network where hundreds will see his show.

    Tucker complains of an unfair, unjust 2020 election nearly every show.
    You are just too much of an asshole to acknowledge it.
    The man does more for our country than Trump does.
    The only way that changes is if Trump gets his second term.
    If you doubt that, please remind me about that red-wave in 2022?

    Tucker takes on RINOs, Zelenski, the dems, the MSM, the trans, the BLM, CRT, and numerous other conservative causes.

    Just because he didn’t believe bat-shit crazy Kraken Sydney Powell you get your panties in a wad.

    You STILL waiting on the Kraken?
    Beuiler? Beuiler?
    Sorry but when motherfuckers promise me something and don’t deliver I consider they take me for a fool.
    Tucker and millions of us wanted hard evidence. We got fooled.
    Won’t get fooled again.

  8. “Agreed, but none of them belong on a pedestal”

    Yep, and that includes DJT. Seriously, the amount of hero-worship, the obsequious slurping, this coronation to the point where if anyone else deigns to run for president, they are all disloyal traitors who deserve the rack, this is not healthy.

    And for those that think that GOP challengers will role over and take his personal attacks or don’t have anything substantive to challenge him on wrt his record……..stand by.

    Yes, I would love to see him kick some ass in his second term, but he has to earn it, just like everybody else.

  9. “The man does more for our country than Trump does.”
    The only way that changes is if Trump gets his second term.
    If you doubt that, please remind me about that red-wave in 2022?”

    I don’t know Loco, Tucker does good work but to say he does more for our country than Trump does is not impressive to me. I think you’re overplaying Tuckers hand.

  10. Rich
    “Yep, and that includes DJT.” I do not disagree with that. I have my own problems with the man. But the positive far outweighs the negative. Everyone that meets the man one on one says he’s not the same guy you see on TV. He should seriously consider showing that side to America

  11. joe6, Tucker carries the water for our side 5 days a week.
    He is seen by millions.
    What has Trump done lately other than deliver water to Ohio?
    He failed miserably in the midterms by choosing poorly.
    They just re-elected Rona.
    Trump is not winning as of late, that is certain.

  12. joe6pak

    Think back to election night. The entire God Damn network folded for Biden. Bret “Spineless” Baer, remember that shit? And so did Tucker. Like a say, enjoy him when he’s doing our work but realize he’s Paul Ryans bitch.
    The entire Chinese economy is teetering due to Trumps trade restrictions. I call that pretty huge. Did Tucker do something similar. You’re not dealing with a sane mind here. Alcohol poisoning.

  13. Brad, was Fox wrong?
    Who is in the White House?

    Fact is, it was the following SATURDAY that biden* was declared the winner.
    Not on election night.
    Answer me this, if the networks had not declared biden* the winner, would Trump be in the White House right now?

    Perhaps you need a stiff drink…

  14. “Brad, was Fox wrong?
    Who is in the White House?”

    So you just implied in your opinion the election was not stolen. OK. I hope every reader here reads this. You are a Troll and do not hold the same conservative common sense vales as the community.

  15. Loco, Tucker seems to be on our side right now. I like him more now than I did a couple years ago. With that being said, Paul Ryan is in charge, is he allowing Tucker to be controlled opposition for the sake of generating viewers and ad revenue? Tucker has potential, Fox does not!

  16. “Paul Ryan is in charge”

    If that was true why didn’t he muzzle Tucker with his prolonged and effectual “Patriot Purge” series, labeling the Jan 6th. attack as a false flag operation orchestrated by our own government?

    “Tucker has potential”

    Tucker is attacking all the right people and he is doing it on the biggest stage on TV. I don’t think Fox is “allowing” him to do anything. He has an audience and that audience generates revenue for the network.

  17. Rich Taylor

    Rewind to early 2015 and watch the progression. Stone cold militant conservative. Until election night. Tell me I’m wrong. And again, he’s testified under oath he didn’t think the election was stolen.
    My original point was, and still is, enjoy Tucker when he’s doing our side good, but do realize who you’re dealing with. That’s when your pal decided I had a little dick.

  18. I wonder if the majority of folks here understand how exceedingly difficult it is for the GOP to win elections. The 2022 “red wave” was the weakest most ineffectual mid-term flips in 70 years. Trump is finally figuring it out as witnessed by his embrace of absentee, early voting, and ballot collection procedures (if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em).

    Good ideas mean nothing if you don’t control the levers of power, the mechanisms of dissemination, and the platforms that spread the message. We need everyone, the Tuckers, the Daily Wire guys, even the middle of the roaders (Tim Poole, Kim Iverson, Matt Taibi, Jimmy Dore) those that can still think for themselves, all on deck to reach those 20 % independents, those that actually determine elections.

  19. Loco, attaching his annual income to his potential to do well for our side is like saying bill gates is doing well for the wellbeing of all citizens because he’s making so much money. The connection isn’t there. Tucker is doing well right now, but I’m not completely on his side.

  20. Exactly Rich, we can’t keep re-litigating 2020, we have to learn from it.
    Trump can’t keep pounding 2020, he needs to focus on 2024.
    Trump is right to embrace all the voting tactics of the left.
    There will be some on our side that hates that but it must be done to even have a chance.

  21. Rich

    I think the problem here is you don’t understand FOX cooperate political leanings. And again, FOX likes money and Tucker makes them a ton. But when it’s time to put there fingers on the political scales they’re all over it and so are their employees. We witnessed that in 2019. Newsmax is FOX lite and pretty much did the same thing. OAN is the only true conservative news outlet and everyone and their brother is doing their best to keep you from watching it. So take the good when you can. Just realize who you’re dealing with.

  22. If we can put any credence in the old adage that you can evaluate someone by the quality of their enemies, then by this metric Tucker is king of the conservative message.

    And he respects and gives a voice to those wandering souls that finally found their way. like Tulis Gabbard and Glen Greenwald.

  23. Brad, I don’t care about FOX. I watch Tucker and Guttfeld and they just happen to be on FOX. But The Murdocks are lib globalists (and here, “Globalist” is used properly) so yeah, that network holds no sway with me.

  24. Tucker can’t take credit for Gabbard. That’s ridiculous. If anything Gabbards pushed him towards the hard right. Funny thing is, she may not realize that’s where she’s headed. Suddenly an AR 15 advocate.

  25. Hey Loco, here is what I think. Tucker wasn’t always of the frame of mind he is presenting now. His bullshit on no stolen election is outrageous to me. But, after that he’s is behaving like there is a substantial paycheck in being a vocal opposition. Could be a good business plan. Does he believe what he’s saying? I’m not convinced, but I like hearing it.

  26. I think I get it now.
    Brad doesn’t want a big tent.
    He wants an exclusive club that agrees 100% with him.
    Zero dissent is allowed.
    (Good luck getting elected with that standard)

    Poor Brad will be crestfallen after Trump leaves office again, if he gets there.
    Like a forlorn lover, since Trump is the only one that can live up to his standard.

  27. I remember years ago watching Tucker and he made a point of ridiculing Gabbard in her weak-kneed capitulation of Trump’s impeachment, voting “present”. It was newsworthy because everyone pretty much picked a side but her. But, once out of office, not beholding to anyone and freer to speak her mind, she came around and Tucker ran point in giving her a platform.

  28. joe6, you are making the mistake of believing Brad’s bullshit.
    Please find me proof that Tucker said “the election wasn’t stolen.”
    He practically say’s it was stolen every single week.
    And not just him saying Sydney was nuts.
    And no hearsay either.

    Fact is neither of you will be able to produce proof, but go ahead and buy into the lies.

  29. This is really silly.

    Go to youtube and type in “Tucker on the election being stolen”

    The very first entry is the Young Turks discussing Tucker’s claims that the election was stolen.

  30. Oh and no lawyer induced denouncements regarding Dominion because we all know millions of dollars were on the line and he is talking about DOMINION.

    Thing is, Tucker say’s more about stolen 2020 than anyone on cable news.
    Just Friday he was talking about biden’s* gall about fair elections.
    Yes, just YESTERDAY!

    That is why your ridiculous arguments are so baffling to me.

  31. Oh OK moron, I can fill page after page. All of the go to FOX conservatives.


  32. Yes, I mentioned that series in one of my above comments. Geraldo went absolutely crazy over it. I doubt the world would even know about Ray Epps if it was not for Tucker’s coverage.

  33. I remember right after the election when there was legit discussion of election fraud and some on our side kept stepping on their dicks.
    Many motions were filed by dumbass lawyers that would never stand up in court.
    So many mistakes were made that ruined their credibility.

    I wanted Sydney & co to be right and have the goods, we all did.
    She and others let Trump down, let us down.
    Yet you want to crucify Tucker for being right?

  34. Rich Taylor

    Rich, Young Turks. Wow. Bottom line the defense used Tuckers own words to stave off the law suit. Yes or no?
    Rich, was the election stolen from Trump? Yes or no. I think we’re about to figure some shit out here.

  35. Fuck him. If this was discus he’d be blocked like any of those other fucking retards.

    Sadly he’s here, and we are stuck with his cunting bullshit.

  36. Mrs radiomattm

    Pick a fucking side, Loco thinks the 2020 election was fair. I think we were cheated. The only reason Loco thinks that is because he dreams at night about having sex with Tucker Carlson. I’m hardly kidding. I may be on the wrong blog. Were we cheated in 2020? By the way, Loco thinks I have a small, well you know. I guess the bastards been peaking.

  37. I’ve been a regular here for quite a number of years and I’ve only posted probably a thousand comments answering this specific question. But I don’t think you’re looking for clarity, you are looking for a fight and I am not willing to accommodate.

  38. Rich, Brad loves a fight.
    Hence his original comment regarding Tucker.
    Me, I must admit I like to argue as well.
    He usually starts with the ad hominem insults when he starts losing the argument.
    That is generally two or three comments in.
    Common pattern he repeats ad nauseum.

  39. Real litigating the 2020 election is just so tedious and gets us nowhere. TBH, I’m tired of our country going to shit and the bad guys winning, I would like to change that in 2024.

  40. Rich Taylor

    Not at all. I can debate you reasonably without you accusing me of having a small unit and visa versa. I do respect you. I am however curious to your recent opinions, positions, alignments. Quite honestly you surprised me

  41. Rich
    OK, my thoughts are, we were cheated bigger than shit, and nothing will change until we fix that. And Trumps idea of cheat harder will be unsuccessful. It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes.
    I’m not in love with Trump, I’m in love with MAGA. I hope that helps.

  42. I’m pretty good at stating the obvious. Reality is reality. I know I’m a moron… but were you better off with Trump, or better off with joetato?

  43. Wow so many comments doubt this will be read but will ask anyway. Who picked up the water before it ran away? also how do you do that before it soaks in?
    Asking for the fire department the city is short on water.

  44. @LocoBlancoSaltine

    You said at 11:09pm: Trump is right to embrace all the voting tactics of the left.
    There will be some on our side that hates that but it must be done to even have a chance.

    If the election was fair in 2020, and the left and the dems and the rinos and the msm didn’t cheat, and steal votes from Trump and manufacture votes for Biden and let non-citizens vote, then why would those on the right, the conservatives, the MAGA crowd “hate” those tactics used by the other side?

    Your statement implies that there was cheating, that the election results were manipulated and Biden lost.

    Just an observation.

    2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Sousa Youtube.

  45. Agreed Dr, Tar. I’ll have a talk with that Loco fella.

    1harpazo, just last week, many squishes on our side went after Matt Walsh for being too harsh in his language against a trans-nutjob.
    This is an example of what I meant.
    The “principles” crowd on our side as well as “independents” cry foul when we have to get a little muddy to get the job done.
    The rules of engagement have been established.

  46. Loco

    How do you know he lied? How many times has Trump been accused of lying and proven right? In fact if you review Trumps batting average when it comes to accusations being proven true the fact that he even mentioned it gives it credibility.

  47. So Brad, did George Soros endorse Ron DeSantis?
    He either did or he didn’t.
    I’ll give you a hint, he did NOT, yet Trump & his surrogates LIED and said he did.
    Politicians and businessmen lie their asses off.
    Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels and paid her off, then lied about it.
    Fact is, nobody cared so he should have just come clean.

    Tale as old as time…


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