Donald Trump Squares Off Against the Globalists – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Squares Off Against the Globalists


This is it. This is pure MAGA. President Trump is announcing the big one… “Economic Agenda 47

This is the economic policy blade to drive a stake through the vampire heart of corporatism, globalism and the exploitation of the U.S. economy by multinational corporate interests. This “universal baseline tariff” approach, is the policy that slays the dragons of the World Economic Forum, destroys the Beijing dragon and simultaneously ends the EU Marshal Plan advantage. This is a big deal. More

Real Clear Politics does the run down on Agenda 47. Here

8 Comments on Donald Trump Squares Off Against the Globalists

  1. I’m not a quote unquote practicing christian but I believe
    Trump is the modern day fulfillment of the Prophecy of Cyrus.
    Cyrus was an outsider, a builder, a leader of men.

    Isaiah 45 1
    This is what the LORD says to Cyrus, his anointed one, whose right hand he will empower. Before him, mighty kings will be paralyzed with fear. Their fortress gates will be opened, never to shut again.

  2. Andrew Breitbart was another true warrior
    can’t believe 11 years have gone by since he was murdered

  3. If Trump wins, and he pulls this off, we’d better prepare to go it alone. That is, have a strong Autarky. The US is blessed with enormous resources, and maybe we can get it to work. That means walls, big ones, literally and figuratively around us. No more handbags and perfume from France, for example. No more salmon from Canada. No more caviar from Russia. We again can be a shining example to the world, if we take on the challenge. We’re tough enough, we just need the will to tell the rest of the world to take their global schemes and shove them, along with our own traitors and quislings. The way the rest of the world is, I’d be happy having nothing to do with it. Strong tariffs on imports may spark America’s entrepreneurial spirit.

    Trump needs to seriously learn his lessons from ’45. He needs to build the damned wall and find people with the same mind-set to advise him, and keep family members out of his administration.

    There are countless things he needs to improve on if he wants America to become great again. I’m keeping the faith, but he’s got to deliver.

  4. @ Tim Buktu.. Nah,
    I call BS.. double BS. Money talks and BS walks in this world. As long as there is a dollar, a franc, a euro, a shekel to be made,,, somebody is gonna fill the void. Count on it. Everything is about money and most of the world is not down with this globalist horseshit. Dope has been illegal for decades and you can buy it everywhere. Same principle.

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