Can Bryan Cranston Be a Bigger A-Hole? – IOTW Report

Can Bryan Cranston Be a Bigger A-Hole?

33 Comments on Can Bryan Cranston Be a Bigger A-Hole?

  1. Anon, it seems the dumbest actors do such a good job because they are such an empty vessel that never once had an original thought.
    Breaking Bad was awesome.
    Him being a dumbass doesn’t really change that.
    The writing alone overcomes his ignorance.
    Vince Gilligan nailed that show.

    Best to not know anything about actors outside their roles.
    People hate on Tom Cruise but I’ll take his whacky religion over the woke religion any day.

  2. CJ, in all his roles, Seinfeld, King of Queens, Malcom, Breaking Bad, etc, he does a good job.
    He lives in a bubble and is easily swayed with White guilt.

    The show ‘Justified’ has Timothy Oliphant & Nick Searcy.
    Both do a fantastic job, Timothy is dumb as a box of rocks & Nick is an awesome conservative.
    Best not to know the actors.

  3. LBS,

    I think you nailed why the dumber ones are better actors.
    I always called them Atari Video Games; You Jam in the cartridge and the Game starts.

    And with enough practice I’m sure Crapston will be worse next year.

  4. He’s a smug, self-entitled libtard. He gets paid to play make-believe and he’s learned to believe his own bullshit like thousands of smug self-entitled libtards before him.

    Why are we shocked?

  5. According to httpsColonSlashSlashwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.govSlashpmcSlasharticlesSlashPMC8553346, Bryan Cranston has potential to at least HAVE a much larger asshole.

    South Park,

  6. It really says something about Cranston, when Bill Maher is the more rational of the two. Cranston is a pompous ass. He is a savant; somewhat brilliant in his acting ability, but retarded in his capacity for critical thinking.

    At this point, Hollywood is so corrupt, and so filled with evil people, I have to compartmentalize, and separate the “artists” from the art, or my entertainment choices would be very limited. I am shocked by how many of our favorite movies are Harvey Weinstein productions, for example.

  7. @Marooned – new South Park is amazing. And it’s about covid, and Pfizer.

  8. And for all those folks that think Maher is getting smarter, I just saw in an interview he did the other day where he praised Joe Biden for doing a great job, for bringing “normalcy” back to the WH, and predicted that Biden will again beat DJT in 2024.

  9. And I don’t know why folks are shocked when actors display publicly their woke creds. If you worked in an industry where touting the party line was essential for employment, and straying from that line was professional suicide, you would all ape Cranston and his nonsense.

    I’m sure there are a handful of independent thinkers in Hollywood, but only those older, and established with FU money and clout.

  10. It would be interesting to hear Mr. Cranston pontificate on the concept of Jewish Privilege, because the black people whose word he takes as the gospel on White Privilege also believe in JP. I wonder if he would apply the same logic of inherent, genetic racism in that case. That’s a tough one, eh, Bruan?

  11. Not an A-hole but a D-bag. Maher is right there with him. If you are attending to the effluvia emanating from either of these mid-wit croak boxes that might make you the Va-Jay jay… or the toilet.

    A ‘talent’ soon comes to believe his own clippings when the money rains down like a golden shower from that Ukrainian prostitute that one time.

    Actors, singers, musicians (see how I separated them?), athletes, business phenoms, ‘activists’ (Greta, is that you, my little autist?), politicians, the worst of the lot, all become enormously knowledgeable about all kinds of bullshit that has nothing to do with their core competence and training once doused in that Thai hooker’s piss.

    And we, the deplorable, the unwashed, the audience, the customers, the tax donkeys, get the privilege of being doused in our turn with the half formed, half baked, half bright ‘insights’ of professional mimics, organ grinders, ball bouncers, money grabbers, paid whiners, popularity contest winning grifters, the worst of the lot.

    We are the Va-Jay jay or the toilet, to the extent we credit the maundering of these mid wit D-bags, as individuals. Our entire society is falling down around us, in every fashion imaginable, because we individually credit what amount to idiot savants with reason!

  12. “If you’re an African American applying to college NOW, things are great; you don’t have to face discrimination like they used to” — Maher (paraphrased)
    Well sure. Plummeting standards + open discrimination against whites and Asians will provide that sort of progressive outcome, eh Billy? No one on the left seems to notice or care that progressive outcomes are rarely positive outcomes.

  13. i love these dog whistle comments by the talking heads.

    only a dog can hear a dog whistle.

    just who is the phrase “make america great again” a dog whistle for?
    seems to be a dog whistle only the predjudiced idiots on the left side of the political spectrum can hear.
    why isn’t making america great again a common slogan for all patriots regardless of skin pigmentation?
    would not a great america benefit all americans?

  14. Interesting that it’s the Progressive-Left who hears the “Dog Whistles.”

    When I think “Make America Great Again,” the color of another person’s skin, or their race, never enter my thoughts. No one I associate with thinks this way.

    It’s all so tiresome.

  15. Rich Taylor “I’m sure there are a handful of independent thinkers in Hollywood, but only those older, and established with FU money and clout.”

    Very true, Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight, James Woods, Kelsy Grammar, Kurt Russell, Tom Selleck.

  16. White privilege?
    It’s a “privilege” to work, save, inform yourself, try to excel at whatever task you’ve accepted, be on time, pay your debts, stay reasonably sober at work (unless you’re a union member), refrain from using narcotics at work (unless you’re a union member), learn the job, actually DO the job, pay your taxes, don’t burn down your town or city every time some race-hustling poverty-pimp cries about “injustice,” try to mind your own business, live and let live, and support charities out of your own pocket?

    Fuck that. I want free shit! Let them stupid honkies keep their “privilege.”

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