Biden Laughs Off Fentanyl Death – IOTW Report

Biden Laughs Off Fentanyl Death

Red State

Joe Biden appeared in Maryland on Wednesday evening to speak to the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference (whatever that is). And while the typical political bluster about “assault weapons” and such was on full display, there was one moment that is destined to go viral, and not for a good reason.

While speaking, Biden decided to laugh at a mother whose sons died after taking fake Percocets laced with fentanyl. Rebecca Kiessling had recently appeared before Congress to testify on the dangers of the deadly drug and the epidemic of deaths occurring because of it. More

22 Comments on Biden Laughs Off Fentanyl Death

  1. If there was ever any doubt what a piece of scum FJB is, this cements it. Let’s hear one democrat defend this action.
    But, sadly, thanks to the rigged voting, I’ll predict right now that in 2024 he will “get” 85 million votes.

  2. Pedo?

    Fuck that guy. No one has an excuse to not know what an asshole he is. Ain’t talking bout him.

    But this shit right HERE is why I’m always on about Narcan/Naloxone. Fentanyl is EVERYFUCKINGWHERE now, it ain’t just for junkies any more.

    Pharma failed HARD, and pharmacies refusing to fill legit scripts failed HARD, doctors failed HARD, and an overweening, illegitimate “goverment” bars use of effective pain relief for people who NEED it just to watch folks suffer, so God only knows where your next pill, your mom’s next pill, your kids’ next pill will come from…OR WHAT’S IN IT.


    Get it.

    Learn it.

    Take care of it.

    Don’t hesitate to USE it.

    …and LEARN CPR.

    It could have saved THIS woman’s sons.

    Maybe NEXT time it will be YOURS.

  3. Hey Joe.

    Hopefully you’ll get a major belly laugh when your drug addled son is rolled out on a gurney after tangles with the wrong drug. It’s only a matter of time until that punchline happens.

    Rim shot!

  4. Trump, if reelected, has got to stop fentanyl and other deadly drugs from entering the country. Drugs are sapping our national strength like nothing else ever did.

    Build the wall and send the National Guard to defend the borders and interdict all invaders to make sure they are not carrying drugs and are lawful immigrants.

    It’s the National Freakin’ Guard. It’s supposed to guard us. Stop sending billions of tax dollars to The Ukraine and spend that money on border security. Trump has got to stand up to everyone who has let this situation continue or who profits from it, whether it’s the cartels, our own Cosa Nostra mob, liberals, perverts, dopey entertainers, crooked politicians, Hells Angels, or anyone else. Even at the risk of assassination.

    “our country is failing us” says Blubbering Twit Katy Perry, but her support of evil helps make it happen.

  5. Hey Tim. Trump still has not learned his lesson.
    His continued petulance has done more damage to conservatives than the left could ever do.
    At the rate he’s going, I’m not sure he’d survive the primaries.

  6. Jethro
    MARCH 2, 2023 AT 3:38 PM
    Where can I get Narcan?
    I would also like to get an epi-pen.”

    …EpiPens are not the same, they are quite expensive and can be quite lethal. I wish they WERE easy to get because my whole family but myself needs them, and it sometimes is in short supply.

    As far as Narcan, many states and localities have harm reduction programs that offer them, and many phamacies will issue ut as well. It is still considered a prescription, so they get around this with a short instructional session and prescribe it to you. It also can often be obtained through drug treatment centers. Many times this is at no cost, but it kind of depends on who’s offering the program.

    In Ohio I got mine through Project Dawn. I will use that as an example.

    ht tps://

    …some places are even more liberal. Hamilton County Ohio would actually mail it to anyone for the asking.

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    I don’t know where you live, you may or may not have a similar program. If you tell me your general area I will be happy to research it for you.

    I am quite serious about this. Everyone should be equipped. Older folks, doubly so.

  7. …oops, wrong Hamilton County link. Again, mostly for illustration. YMMV.

    ht tps://

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