Minot, ND: US Air Force personnel fired for failiure to keep nuclear weapons stockpile secure – IOTW Report

Minot, ND: US Air Force personnel fired for failiure to keep nuclear weapons stockpile secure

Independent UK:
Six US Air Force personnel were fired for failing to ensure the safety and security of the country’s nuclear stockpile.

Two commanders and four subordinates were relieved of duty at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota after their units failed an inspection, according to CNN.

The base houses strategic bombers and missile silos, two branches of America’s “nuclear triad” military structure. Both Commanders were part of the 5th Mission Support Group and the 5th Logistics Readiness Squadron.

The news organisation says that the security inspection is a pass/fail test and that the results are classified. There is no suggestion that the inspection failure had anything to do with the actual handling of the nuclear weapons themselves, said CNN.

One defence official told CNN that the failed test was for “non-compliance vehicle and equipment safety inspections”. MORE

15 Comments on Minot, ND: US Air Force personnel fired for failiure to keep nuclear weapons stockpile secure

  1. “US Air Force personnel fired for failiure to keep nuclear weapons stockpile secure”

    …so why can’t we fire their putative Commander-In-Chief FOR THE EXACT SAME THING?

  2. We’ll likely never know if the failure was real or chickenshit. Comprehensive inspections always have some gotcha items that WILL be found but only if TPTB want you to fail. So, maybe the fired guys truly screwed up, or maybe they didn’t want to wear the doggie masks.

  3. “I called you to confirm that we fucked up bad… or maybe not that bad.”

    – What happened?

    “That’s none of your business.”

    Try that shit with your wife. Or a cop. lol

  4. Too much purloined women’s clothing out that day?

    Probably significant lapses, or belligerent response to the critique. Are there low level “gotchas”? Yes, but nothing that would get people reassigned.

  5. Choose from the following:

    1. Insecure comm’s.
    2. Visitor’s allowed into classified areas during tour.
    3. Failure to secure documentation.
    4. Staff had Chinese accents and slant eyes.
    5. Someone said “Nyet!” revealing a personnel breach.
    6. The CRM 114 Discriminator was broken.
    7. Bugs. The old IBM launch computer had bugs in its magnetic core.
    8. No one knew how to insert “Sir” first, as in, “Sir, yes Sir!” causing a complete breakdown of decorum during the inspection (CO peed his pants.)


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