Lots of People Sending in Tip About Florida Bill Requiring Bloggers to Register With the State if They Write About Politicians – IOTW Report

Lots of People Sending in Tip About Florida Bill Requiring Bloggers to Register With the State if They Write About Politicians

Firstly, I am not in love with DeSantis. I have some suspicions about the guy. He reminds me of Chris Christie.

Secondly, this bill was proposed by a total jackass, Jason Brodeur of Lake Mary, Florida. No word yet from the DeSantis camp if he is on board with this “going nowhere” bill. (The bill is clearly unconstitutional, and also violates equal protection under the law. Why do I have to jump through hoops in order to write it looks like DeSantis is gaining weight, but another blogger can write, hooplessly, that Dinesh D’Souza smells like curry?)

SB 1316: Information Dissemination


Information Dissemination; Deleting a provision requiring a judicial notice of sale to be published for a specified timeframe on a publicly accessible website; specifying that a governmental agency may use the public website of a county to publish legally required advertisements and public notices if the cost for such publication is not paid by or recovered from a person; requiring bloggers to register with the Office of Legislative Services or the Commission on Ethics, as applicable, within a specified timeframe; authorizing a magistrate to enter a final order determining the reasonableness of circumstances for an untimely filing or a fine amount, etc.Effective Date: Upon becoming a law
Last Action: 2/28/2023 Senate – Filed

Pirates and Princesses-

NBC News requested comments from DeSantis’s office. His office has yet to reply as of late Thursday, March 2. NBC News also asked for a statement from Senator Brodeur. He failed to respond immediately. Nevertheless, he told the Florida Politics website, which first reported this story in a blog, that “Paid bloggers are lobbyists who write instead of talk. They both are professional electioneers. If lobbyists have to register and report, why shouldn’t paid bloggers?”

Though I still need to be fully qualified in first amendment law, that sounds like some interesting logic. The final decision will be whether bloggers are considered journalists, which clearly do not have to be registered by law.


Why not require registration with Big Brother for “talking”? See how that would fly. This bill is going NOWHERE.

25 Comments on Lots of People Sending in Tip About Florida Bill Requiring Bloggers to Register With the State if They Write About Politicians

  1. Ron DeSoros/Jeb 2.0 is really thin skinned. No comment on this legislation. Prevents press from attending is running for President/I mean book tour. He is anti MAGA. Bought and paid for by the billionaire globalist. Look at all the people who support him – Jeb, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, China Mitch, etc.

  2. Hrrrrmmmm…. Guess having another option after Trump was too good to be true.

    FRINOs FDS FJB etc…

    Now wondering if this data goes through Florida, would I then need to register? Bleh…

  3. Since “This bill is going NOWHERE” and is clearly unconstitutional, why does RDS have to get in front of it? Why even mention him at all?

    Broduer is a dope. I suspect there are a few more dopey legislators in his state. Right now he is slaying real dragons, and kicking major woke ass in his state. If this bill actually passes their legislative body, then he can spend a few minutes addressing it. But right now he has bigger fish to fry.

    And no, just because I like RDS does not mean I am disloyal, a RINO, or am throwing DJT under the bus, that is just stupid.

  4. “He reminds me of Chris Christie.”
    C’mon FUR…You know he’s not even 1/2 the man Chrispie is (by both total mass and girth)…
    PS – I saw Chrispie getting his shoes shined at the Newark train station a few years ago. The seat was screaming in agony and his feet were bulging over the tops of his shoes.

  5. I think DeSantis not getting in front of this risks people making a connection back to DeSantis even if he doesn’t believe in this and has nothing to do with it. He could be especially vulnerable to this line of thinking considering Trump supporters were harassed at his recent book signing.

  6. I haven’t dismissed DeSantis at all, but with this bill coming on the heels of the Laura Loomer video where authorities were called to clear out Trump supporters at a DeSantis book signing is odd. I will not enjoy seeing Trump and DeSantis going at it. They will not ignore one another.. it’s going to get ugly. But we have to support whoever wins. A McDaniel pledge…

  7. In 1776 we told a bunch of arrogant bastards who thought they were kings to go piss up a rope! Fifteen years later we had to write down our God-given rights to make sure that another bunch of arrogant bastards don’t trample on us from within. Now it appears that yet another group of arrogant bastards needs to be told to go piss up a rope! If there is one thing that we’ve learned, it is that freedom isn’t free and that arrogance bastards are always out threre trying to chip away at our freedoms!

  8. “But we have to support whoever wins”

    Exactly what I’ve been saying all along, no coronation and no dopey talks of disloyalty if someone else wants to enter the arena. Let that best man win by powers of persuasion and quality of arguments. Then get behind that guy.

    Not to get all armageddon or anything but 2024 is the point of no return. A confluence of events, both on the foreign stage, and here at home wrt the solvency of the economy, the border, and the indoctrination of our kids, we will all be witness to the day the lights were turned out.

  9. This is why I am not so sure about dumping Trump to bring in “someone new.” It seems that all of the “someone news” appear like they will slide right into the Uniparty.

  10. It is so odd to me all the DeSantis bashing?
    Comparing his to Christi? Wow! I can’t even begin…

    Anyway, I could list all his CONSERVATIVE, wholesome accomplishments for the past 4 years but then you would accuse me of highjacking the SNS account…

  11. BTW, when it does get ugly, Trump WILL get bloodied.
    The DeSantis comms machine are full of mercenaries who keep receipts & take names.
    RDS has them on a tight leash right now but the pit bulls no doubt are foaming at the mouth.
    If Trump thinks the MSM was bad…

    “Fairwell and adieu to ye fair Spanish ladies…
    Fairwell and adieu to ye Ladies of Spain”

  12. Didn’t we have a post last week that Tucker wouldn’t get the Jan 6th videos until approved by the feds?
    We’ll he said starting next week they will be reviewing them on his show, as if he has already had them.
    Point is, a whole lot of BS is out there and it’s gonna get worse with deep fakes.

  13. Twitchy article:
    “Nowhere in NBC News’ article is any evidence whatsoever presented to suggest that DeSantis has anything to do with the bill other than that he’s the governor right now.
    DeSantis’ name doesn’t appear once in Brodeur’s bill, which presumably means that should the bill become law, it would apply to bloggers covering any governor, and any governor’s office, and any Florida state legislature.”

    “But NBC News is making it sound like the bill is meant to help DeSantis specifically. The fact that they chose to accompany their post with a photo of DeSantis feeds into that deception as well.

    And it’s working like a charm on all the right people.”

  14. Everything that has been exposed and making the Republican party somewhat a contender is all due to TRUMP. He’s proven what he can (make Dems/Media/Left shit their pants) and DESERVES LOYALTY.
    Dems/Media/Left/RINOs are supporting DeSantis because they FEAR Trump. They want a new guy so they can tear him apart in the general. And we will be back to square one (Left chipping away at our country) even if DeSantis gets in.
    Trump is the only one that can slow the Left’s inevitable COMPLETE take-over of the once great United States.
    DeSantis is NOT Trump without baggage. Don’t fall into the Left’s plan.

  15. This is what some of these asshole politicians do. They sit around and get paid with OUR tax dollars trying to figure out corrupt ways to enrich the government beast on all levels, including themselves. If you starve the government beast on all levels of OUR tax dollars, all this 💩 goes away.

  16. “MAGA, take your team hat off for a second, how stupid is it that we are flaming out and disavowing each other over the choice between a guy we all voted for twice and a guy who isn’t currently running?

    There is SO much time between now and election day. Breathe.”

    Carpe Donktum


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