Unlikely Friends – IOTW Report

Unlikely Friends

12 Comments on Unlikely Friends

  1. We used to raise ducks since we had a creek that ran right behind the backyard.
    When they hatched ducklings I would occasionally pick one up to hold.
    The mother would chew me out long after I let it go, as if to tell me “don’t try that shit again.”
    Ducks are very interesting creatures.

  2. My Mom had a siamese that would meet and cavort with a mocking bird nearly every day beneath the canopy of an ancient oak in the front yard.

  3. It looks like when my border collie Kirby and his yellow tabby friend and roommate Finn play with each other. They tolerate each other for the most part but Finn has sharp claws and can swat Kirby really quick and can hiss really loud and then goes and hides under the couch. Finn can hold his own against Kirby and Kirby knows that Finn’s the boss because he was here first and owns the house and Kirby is just an annoying interloper.


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