Trump ants to Create Freedom Cities on Federal Land – IOTW Report

Trump ants to Create Freedom Cities on Federal Land


Former President Trump is about to roll out a new initiative with an on-theme slogan: “Freedom Cities.” The idea is to stage a nationwide contest in which people design futuristic cities that would be built on federal land, reports Meredith McGraw of Politico. The outlet got an advance look at a video Trump plans to release on the topic Friday. He also may discuss it during his CPAC speech on Saturday. The former president envisions up to 10 such cities being built. Among the details:

  • In the air: Trump’s plan suggests vehicles that could take off and land vertically.
  • Baby boom: Trump also suggests “baby bonuses” to encourage residents of these cities to procreate.
  • Message to China: Trump also wants the cities to have “hives of industry” that are free of imports from China.
  • His pitch: “Our country has lost its boldness,” Trump says in the video, per Politico. “Under my leadership, we will get it back in a very big way. If you look at just three years ago, what we were doing was unthinkable, how good it was, how great it was for our country. Our objective will be a quantum leap in the American standard of living.”

17 Comments on Trump ants to Create Freedom Cities on Federal Land

  1. Trump is a man with big dreams. This is a fascinating speech. We talk about building cities in space in the future. Why not talk about creating cities right here in America?
    This is bold, visionary.

  2. Another reason among many why we love you President Trump πŸ˜‰

    I’m stuck to him like super glue 😁
    We ain’t gonna part πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  3. I guess the consensus is you need brand-new ideas to dazzle those easily distracted by shiny objects, but if he is fortunate enough to win in 2024, I would prefer he finish the things he started in his first term;

    Energy independence
    Finishing the wall
    Cutting taxes
    Providing a friendly business environment for more hiring and innovation
    Marginalizing China
    Removing us from ALL foreign entanglements, including getting out of NATO
    Reducing the size and scope of the Federal Government
    Appointing more America-loving judges
    Fighting the entrenched Military Industrial complex, the left-leaning media, and all those deep-state actors that are not on our side
    Getting a handle on spending, this is one of those things he did nothing on his first term, do something now

    These are enough for me.


    2) Stage a mass arrest of all the idiots protesting in front of the Supreme Court Justice’s homes.
    Then January 6 THEIR asses with harsh as fuck prison sentences.

    I’d crawl naked through broken glass to vote for the man with balls enough to proclaim this as his agenda.

  5. So let me get this straight;

    Social Justice Warrior lefty loons want 15 minute cities (prisons), but if Trump suggests something similar he’s the best thing since sliced bread and he’s a visionary?

    I like Trump most of the time, but give me a fucking break. Be careful what you wish for.

  6. we’ve got 10 Shtitholes right now that we need to shut off the big, federal spigot to! If we dont do that and more the dead beats and worthless federal tit-sucking parasites will continue to drain off our resorces!


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