Hawley Exposes a Lying Leftist Under Oath- Will She Do Jail Time, or Get Her Nomination? – IOTW Report

Hawley Exposes a Lying Leftist Under Oath- Will She Do Jail Time, or Get Her Nomination?

9 Comments on Hawley Exposes a Lying Leftist Under Oath- Will She Do Jail Time, or Get Her Nomination?

  1. DaveVA
    MARCH 4, 2023 AT 5:04 AM
    “That is a mean women. No joy in her.”

    But one day, in the green room at The View, she may very well wind up in Joy (Behar).

  2. “Another waste of time …”

    That may very well be, but someone must take a stand – and Hawley’s the guy to do it. We should not sit idle and allow liars, thieves, and traitors to take over our government. We have been idle too long.

    Their lies, thefts, corruptions, and treasons should be, not only pointed out, but thrown in their faces at every opportunity.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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