No Legal Repercussions For Hondurans Who Killed Bald Eagle for Food – IOTW Report

No Legal Repercussions For Hondurans Who Killed Bald Eagle for Food


Well here’s a metaphor for the current state of America. The Stanton County Sheriff’s department (Nebraska) announced that they had caught two Honduran nationals (AKA illegal aliens) with a dead bald eagle in their possession.

The Sheriff’s office was responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle northwest of the main Wood Duck Recreation Area near Stanton, Nebraska.

Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin and Domingo Zetino-Hernandez, both 20-year-olds from Honduras were leaving the scene with the bird.

When questioned about the bald eagle, they said that they had shot it with a rifle (because of course they had guns) and were intending to have it for dinner.


Monica Showalter has more.

ht/ js

19 Comments on No Legal Repercussions For Hondurans Who Killed Bald Eagle for Food

  1. Considering that the government condones the murder of all birds, as long as the perpetrator is a windmill, it’s not surprising these guys were off the hook too.

  2. Bald eagles are right in there with pigs, they will eat ANYTHING, the deader the better. If you’re ever in Juneau, AK, take a ride by the dump and all you see are white heads bobbing up and down eating the dump. Wasn’t fishing a better option?

  3. The EPA and DEP wont let people in my neighborhood repair there docks with new pilings. they say its because of endanger clams. Every night you see illegals poaching said clams. People call the authorities and noting ever happens. If you dare fix your dock, The cops will be there before you can even pick up a tool. Houses in my neighborhood with a usable dock sell for about 500k over the neighborhood average.

  4. I knew a guy who spent $10K in on attorneys. His son had picked up an eagle feather while hiking in central Washington and had it in his possession. The kid was in college and had absolutely no clue that it might be illegal to possess.

    I used to shoot prairie dogs on some School District property in Montana on which there was a pinnacle eagles built nests on. About every three or four years I would see a decomposed bald Eagle beneath it. It was a good place to find petrified wood so I frequently was scrounging around at the base of the cliff. My instincts suggest to me that the sheep ranching operation that covered a couple sections was aught-sixing them.

  5. JDH—you first comment was what I was thinking….don’t any one DARE possess a mere feather of the Eagle or the might of the Feds will make your life hell. We are truly living in upside down world.

  6. What happened to “Poaching is poaching” and “Ignorance of the LAW is no excuse”?
    So sick of double standards for everyone who isn’t WHITE!
    Time to do a little poaching of our own.

  7. If you or I, as long as you are not a Native American, even have a Bald Eagle feather, we are going to jail.

    But these mother-effrs will get off. I grew up two counties over, I hope the locals will take action since our courupted feds won’t.

  8. I almost had a bald eagle fly into the front of my van a few years ago over in Montana. All I know is if I would’ve hit that eagle, I would hope no one saw me hit an eagle and just keep driving as if nothing had happened. The Feds are way too overzealous on accidents like this even if it can’t be avoided.

  9. A local crap newspaper(in Nebraska) owned by Warren Buffet just listed them as resident’s of Stanton and no where was there a hint of them being illegal aliens!

  10. So besides being here illegally, and having no drivers licenses, and killing a bald Eagle, they are also in possession of a firearm! How did that happen? I have to go through a federal anal exam if I want to buy one, but these invaders get another free pass.


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