Donut Porn – IOTW Report

Donut Porn

28 Comments on Donut Porn

  1. When the words came up, “The donuts are put in a proofer.” I thought it read “The donuts are put in a poofter.” That is a word I had never heard of before until BFH posted it once in a thread.

    That’s how bad this place has corrupted me.

  2. I like donuts as much as everyone else, but I rarely eat them anymore. I loved chocolate eclairs as a kid, but I haven’t had one in forever. I can’t stand maple bars, they’re far too sweet and make my teeth cringe if I eat one. And we have a fantastic locally owned old school donut shop a couple of miles from my house that makes far better donuts than Krispy Kreme. And all the old farts hang out there in the morning for coffee and donuts.

  3. Used to be all kinds of 24 hour Doughnut shops in my town.
    They were a lifesaver back when I used to plow snow.
    Now all we have is Tim Hortons and Dunkin Doughnuts.
    The drive thru killed the doughnut shops.

  4. I always wanted to stick a glass under the glaze stream and just drink it slowly. Nothing compares to a hot Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut right off the rollers. Sadly, these days they have become unaffordable for me (which is probably better for my health though).

  5. I remember hanging out at the backdoor of the KK while the little doughnut machine did it’s thing & if any weren’t perfect the woman would throw them to us. They are nothing like they were 50yrs ago.

  6. Nothing’s what it was 50 years ago, back in those days we could go to Dick’s Hamburgers in downtown Spokane on Friday nights after HS sporting events and get 3 cheeseburgers, fries and a coke for a $1.10 which was great when you’re 17 and 18 years old.

  7. A while back a Krispy Kreme opened in my neck of the woods, they did great business but then the Atkins diet and the low/no carb craze set in. Two years later it was closed. The still warm glazed rings were to die for.

  8. Doughnuts (I never cared for the lazy man’s “donut” spelling) are OK and if offered one I’ll definitely eat it. But at heart I’m a Napoleon lover. Those and dulce de leche alfajores from Mar del Plata.

  9. As a teen, I worked a summer at a branch of a local restaurant.
    After closing and cleaning, it would be early morning (2?-3? AM), and we’d go down to the local Dunkin and get some fresh hot ones and a cuppa. Yummmmmmm…. to die for.

  10. Every donut I’ve ever eaten since my childhood, including Krispy Kreme, is garbage compared to the donuts we bought at a family-owned business called Daniel’s Bakery in my hometown.

  11. Dammit. Diabetes 2 has taken anything sweet off my plate.

    krispy kreme crullers were my favorites way back when.

    For the record, Pantera pizza was also my favorite back then. (mid 80s). 7.5# and $19.00 for a large. One slice was all any adult needed. Yeah, 1985 price. When others were selling $4.99 delivered. Definitely worth it.

  12. People love doughnuts because it’s like a mothers kiss, warm, sweet, and packed with love. We Injuns invented doughnuts BTW, it’s called frybread. All you white eyes did is poke a hole in the middle…

  13. Definitely a lot of better donut places than KK, but the opportunity to watch the Rube Goldberg device is a lot of the attraction. Unfortunately, the Santa Monica KK (no longer there) didn’t make them onsite, in fact trucked them from the Burbank location in the video.
    When I was at Cal Berkeley in the 80s I often went to the donut shop at 10 pm – because that’s when they made the glazed. Sooooooo good when they are fresh! I’d get a couple, and the guy would give me a free cake donut from the previous day, which of course was still good.

  14. Still looking for a good donut shop in my part of AZ. Carl’s Donuts in Las Vegas makes good ones, but 4 hours is too long a drive. Had KK donuts a few times…not a fan; too sweet and tasteless. There is a bakery near here that puts out a pretty good bear claw, but expensive.

  15. Am I the only one?

    Gram on rare occasions would make donuts and I would get to help. They went into a brown paper bag with powdered sugar and I helped by shaking the bag.

    I guarantee they were better than the fluff that passes for donuts of today. The closest would be the “cake donut” that most places have, but not as good as gram’s. A toddler’s memory is perhaps biased… Or should that be an old man’s memory is perhaps biased?

  16. Anymouse,
    I am a gram, and I make the cake donuts and do just like you said – once cooled, shake them in a paper bag with powdered sugar, or cinnamon and table sugar.
    I like them just plain, too!


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