Popular German Singer – IOTW Report

Popular German Singer

He’s suddenly gaining traction after a decade.

What do you guys think?

He is second one to sing. Very distinctive voice.

38 Comments on Popular German Singer

  1. Being a person with very eclectic musical taste, I thought it was better than average.

    I’m downsizing my vinyl collection. Some pretty obscure stuff. Some is mainstream. 500 +/- albums. Probably the same number of CDs.
    I just don’t need them anymore.

    Anyone interested?

    I even have an EP by Made for Television-So Afraid of the Russians. 1983

  2. NOPE.

    Y-tube, Watch: Die Draufganger – CORDULA GRUN – Josh Cover (Offizielles Video)


    Die Draufganger – Looking for Friebier – looking for Freedom Cover (Offizielles Video)

    FUN & The little brunette is UNREAL!!!

  3. I liked both.

    If I was there for the live session – even better.

    I thought it was crisp. Talking about the music.

    I would describe the extreme dude as having damaged vocal chords more than “smoky”. Yet controlling what he had.


    Would listen to more of what they had.

    As for record collections of times gone by, I found I don’t get the same satisfaction that I did when I was collecting them. I’ve got 300+ from the 70s. They always take me back to the time they were on the radio all the time. I can specifically re-live the life I had through them from the memories brought up while they are playing.

    Literally – been there, done that. Not bad memories, but I can recall the time just fine if that’s what I wanted. The music drags me through specific time periods, though. It’s like watching classic movies again and again.

    I found this to be an unexpected result of my collection. Kind of disappointing since I really liked the music and still think it is quality music.

  4. Ok, that was fun. I liked his voice. It’s different enough but still pleasant to listen to.

    Reminds me of the video I posted once with Robert Downey Jr. singing with Sting. I don’t think this is the same video, but you’ll see what I mean:


  5. Musicians have the most fun jamming together.
    The song was a bit monotonous to me. The rasp is good but Joe Cocker was my fav in that category. Thanks for sharing a new listen, for me anyway.

  6. @Claudia!
    That was totally awesome.
    Love me some RDJR & Sting!

    BTW-RDJR is awesome. Not a music video, just documentation of how awesome he is, especially when confronted with a jerk:


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